twitty j and i walked from santa monica to venice beach, then down the pier. looked around and admired the beauty of brown air. oh wait, that's smog! walked through the canals and had a great conversation about the future: work, working out, taking care of business and not wanting to be a 45 year old waiter still WAITING for our big break.

had lunch at a place called "mao's". we both had kung pow chicken. talked to a sexy jewish woman with a dog. i forgot how dog culture makes human contact so much easier.
went back to twitty's and chatted for a while about this and that... he got ready for work and i went with him to hang around the pool. talked to kelly hanson for a long time.
walked back along the beach to the westminster place. santa monica is beautiful and lush and almost tropical. really feels like i'm on vacation.

sat on the balcony a bit. listened to a message from mark zufelt and it's official: i did not get cast in the play. because i'm equity. they found another ethnic actor with chops - the egyptial playwright was happy with a jewish actor playing the role. and i think that's awesome, but i'm a little disappointed.
i'm gonna dive right into as much work as possible with temping and catering, work out as much as possible and live life in seattle AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.
had a couple of beers with deanna, while she was studying accounting and i was working on photo journal updates. of course, i don't have internet access with this computer, so i wasn't able to upload anything.
went to kelly's hotel, the viceroy on pico and ocean in santa monica. great atmosphere for drinks. we sat on poolside lounge chairs. she had a stella and i had grey goose martini. hells yeah - that shit knocked me on my ass. THE DRINK WAS TWENTY-ONE DOLLARS. TWENTY-ONE DOLLARS. but conway comped them for us, so i paid five bucks for the tip.
getting to know deanna was great. she is well spoken, extremely attractive, ambitious, confident, make fart jokes AND understood an obscure reference to jean-luc picard. JEAN-LUC PICARD people.
deanna and left there and went to the globe. 2 shiners and a gargantuan martini were not enough for me. i proceeded to have ANOTHER martini (this one half the size and a 1/5 the price), a pizza, oysters and then a stella. mind you, i was somewhere between SCHNOCKERED and SHITFACED. basically, i was spilling drinks on my clothes on the food - it didn't matter.

twitty j and i had to find parking, but finally rolled our asses home and proceeded to drink yet more beer - i had a shiner and a tecate and i think he had a shiner and three tecates. good times. and we went drinking and dialing. fortunately, it was our to our classmates, but it was still way trippy and fun. it was 6am east coast when we finally stopped.
we did manage to get jackie on the phone and i will see her saturday. that should be good times.
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