Sunday, July 17, 2005

weekend update

thursday evening, tim johnson arrived from ohio. tim is one of my former classmates. i constantly refer to him as the "mother" of our class. i mean this in the absolute best way as tim took care of us and made sure we took care of each other. he was in town for an alexander technique "intensive." tim is tenure-track faculty at university of ohio in athens and i spent much of his visit asking about how his job search went, what to expect, etc. great resource - and great to see him. he hasn't changed a bit.

friday, amy thone at seattle shakespeare called me. she was very happy to hear i had returned to seattle and wanted me to come in for their general audition. also, dennis, tim and i went to 5 spot for a quick drink.

saturday morning, i had breakfast with lo in wallingford. i woke up early to take tim to the workshop, then picked lo up at the u-district farmer's market. i will have to walk there next weekend. it was great talking to her. she's from oklahoma and we have that southern perspective in common, but she is also obsessed with physical training (the suzuki work i do) and does yoga. lo has spent much time studying astrology and i was fascinated to hear bits and pieces of my chart and what it means. apparently, my saturn has not yet returned, which is a good thing. i may have figured some shit out over the past year, but i have no order in my life right now.

went for a three hour walk after breakfast to the udistrict, where i bought star trek: first contact on dvd. star trek makes my day better. yes, i am a big fucking geek. fuck you if you judge me - i'm sure you silly little life has it's assortment of trivia that makes you and only you happy. whoa. why the hell am i so defensive?

mt. rainier was out in it's full glory all weekend. even after 5 years of viewing it, it still takes my breath away. went down to kerry park and sat for about an hour admiring the view of the city and the mountain as the sun set. i love my city. even if it feels empty.

i have very little capacity for love right now. i don't know how to connect emotionally - this has always been somewhat of a problem as i go to either extreme. now, i wade in the shallow end of the romance pool. damn - i'm not quite sure what to do with all that.

sunday morning, i took tim to the airport. went home and auditioned for seattle shakes. easy and fun, as stephanie and amy are very warm. then i went on a five hour trek through the city. again, over and down queen anne, through fremont, across the lower lip of wallingford, up the u-district and ending up in ravenna.

hung out with elizabeth for a bit. we met up at dania, a swanky furniture store then went to whole foods (whole paycheck) and sampled all the fresh fruits. fuck, i love summer time. i miss my mom's garden. fresh cherries, fresh peaches and fresh tomatoes are so damn good. i bought a nectarine and it was the best nectarine of my life. elizabeth bought a watermelon, but it wasn't very sweet.

so i'm home now.


Anonymous said...

the shallow end of the romance pool

there's a pool?

hrmph. sometimes we have deep associations tied to romance that aren't working out for us; e.g. "I feel most in love when my woman beats me up;" but working past such associations can feel like all the romance is being sucked out of life. I think it just takes patience, and also perhaps an ability to direct old energies into new, more constructive forms, like finding a really loving woman that will only beat you when you ask. Or whatever :) said...

i wonder if anyone i have dated would "beat me when i asked." hmph.

nice to see you are posting again, jester.