Tuesday, May 24, 2005

tuesday update

okay all you office kids out there... what the hell is up with the corporate world? i mean, how come nothing (at least nothing in my educational process) evenly closely resembles this behemoth? what have we done in our past to prepare us for life in cubicles? i saw a printed post-it once: four years in the dorms to prepare me for a lifetime in a cubicle???

the adventure and unknown frontier of "motorcylce diaries" made a huge impression on me. more to come.

1 comment:

rlo@richardlopezjr.com said...

yeah, lady. what makes my little cage bearable is the view of mount rainier (when i stand up) and the view of the elliott bay and the olympic mountain range just west of the puget sound.

dear geebus, no windows? what do you jump out of when you can't take it any longer?