this has been a busy set of weeks.
i started teaching a few weeks ago. i love it.
robyn and juhl are going to help me get a job teaching at a university.
mern called me a few weeks ago. called once and didn't leave a message. i thought it was a fluke - it was 1am on a weeknight. she called again the following weekend. so she was in idaho for her show and thought of me and wanted me to call her. so i emailed her, asking when i should call. nothing. i called her the following week and left a message. nothing.
kelly is town this until wednesday. i've only seen her twice. tech for her show isn't going a smoothly as desired, but that's the theatre. seattle rep, even with money, is no exception.
dennis comes back next week (i think). kelly conway should be here tomorrow, but i haven't heard from him. fucker.
most of last week was very socially active.
monday, i went to elizabeth's for Monday Night Dinner. The last few weeks have been fantastic - lots of people and amazing food. great conversation and lots of laughter.
tuesday, i had dinner with kelly. she prepared enchilladas and made a salad. afterwards, we went to larry's and split a ben & jerry's pint of mint cookies & cream (or whatever they call it). hanging out with her is great - comfortable and without any pressure. it seems like she's really herself around me and i appreciate it.
wednesday was teaching. my group now knows over half of walking!
thursday, i hosted my first dinner party here. well, it was my monthly dinner with dave, amanda and liz. DAWG brought salad & corn on the cob. liz made apple crisp (a la mode). i made west african peanut soup. this soup is a more sweet potato than peanut, but it was fucking good, nonetheless. liz and i decided to go to a pumpkin patch soon, drive around and see the deciduous trees turn color and find a hayride. she misses her new engand fall.
friday, i went to dragonfish for happy hour with melissa and some guy melissa knows. he's a little weird, but whatever. happy hour ended at six (on a friday???), so we went to bonzai in pioneer square. unfortunately, their happy hour ended at 6:30pm. ish. i had two mac & jack's and a tempura seattle roll. damnit, but i love tempura-ed rolls. sushi + fried goodness = happy rlo
today was quiet. slept until 9am. i've had terrible sleep for the last two weeks - waking up around 2am and 5am again. dunno why. talked to darla - rita was supposed to go right over my parent's place, but changed course. darla said it wasn't even raining in tyler, just windy.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Thursday, September 08, 2005
heard at work today
person 1: africa is a country.
person 2: (pause) it's a continent.
person 1: no, africa is a country
person 2: (pause) no, africa is a continent. what do you think kenya and mozambique are? they are countries.
person 1: no. africa is a country. those places are provinces
person 2: (pause) it's a continent.
person 1: no, africa is a country
person 2: (pause) no, africa is a continent. what do you think kenya and mozambique are? they are countries.
person 1: no. africa is a country. those places are provinces
Bush family Katrina comments draw scrutiny - Yahoo! News
Bush family Katrina comments draw scrutiny
Thu Sep 8, 3:29 AM ET
US President George W. Bush is not the only member of his prominent political family to be drawing criticism for public utterances about Hurricane Katrina: His mother has raised eyebrows too.
In widely reported comments after visting evacuees at a Texas sports arena, former first lady Barbara Bush on Monday seemed to suggest a silver lining for the "underprivileged" forced from their flooded homes in New Orleans.
"What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality," she said in a radio interview from the Astrodome in Houston, Texas.
"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this -- this is working very well for them," she said.
"I think that the observation is based on someone or some people that were talking to her that were in need of a lot of assistance, people that have gone through a lot of trauma and been through a very difficult and trying time," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Wednesday.
"And all of a sudden, they are now getting great help in the state of Texas from some of the shelters," he said.
Her son, the president, has faced criticism for saying on September 1 that no one anticipated that New Orleans' levees would break -- even though various federal and state agencies had warned of that scenario.
In his first tour of the devastated region, Bush also praised Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) chief Michael Brown, saying: "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."
Brown has become a lightning rod for criticism over Washington's sluggish response to Katrina, one of the worst natural disasters to hit the United States, and opposition Democrats have stepped up calls for Bush to fire him.
The president has also come under fire for paying tribute to ravaged New Orleans as a place he used to visit years ago "to enjoy myself -- occasionally too much," an apparent reference to the days before he quit drinking.
In an effort to raise the spirits of the hundreds of thousands who have lost their homes, Bush promised to rebuild devastated areas better than they were before, but at one point focused on the home of a powerful lawmaker.
"Out of the rubbles of Trent Lott's house -- he's lost his entire house -- there's going to be a fantastic house. And I'm looking forward to sitting on the porch," he said on a tour of the region Friday, drawing nervous laughter.
Some Republicans winced, including one disbelieving congressional aide who told AFP: "Lott? He's focusing on Lott? Surrounded by poor people, he talks about a sitting senator?"
There have also been echoes of the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, when Bush urged Americans to go shopping and live their lives as normally as possible.
In some of her first remarks after the hurricane, First Lady Laura Bush told Gulf Coast evacuees: "It's very important to get your children in school. It gives children a sense of normalcy."
The White House later put together a plan to help students and school districts affected by the hurricane.
Barbara Bush had raised eyebrows two days before US troops invaded Iraq, when she told ABC television that she was not interested in media commentators' concerns about the war's potential human toll.
"Why should we hear about body bags, and deaths, and how many, what day it's gonna happen, and how many this or what do you suppose?" she said. "It's not relevant. So, why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?"
Filmmaker Michael Moore used the remark in his fiercely anti-Bush film "Fahrenheit 9/11," leading former president George Bush to call him a "slimeball" and defend his wife as "a decent, wonderful person."
Thu Sep 8, 3:29 AM ET
US President George W. Bush is not the only member of his prominent political family to be drawing criticism for public utterances about Hurricane Katrina: His mother has raised eyebrows too.
In widely reported comments after visting evacuees at a Texas sports arena, former first lady Barbara Bush on Monday seemed to suggest a silver lining for the "underprivileged" forced from their flooded homes in New Orleans.
"What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality," she said in a radio interview from the Astrodome in Houston, Texas.
"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this -- this is working very well for them," she said.
"I think that the observation is based on someone or some people that were talking to her that were in need of a lot of assistance, people that have gone through a lot of trauma and been through a very difficult and trying time," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Wednesday.
"And all of a sudden, they are now getting great help in the state of Texas from some of the shelters," he said.
Her son, the president, has faced criticism for saying on September 1 that no one anticipated that New Orleans' levees would break -- even though various federal and state agencies had warned of that scenario.
In his first tour of the devastated region, Bush also praised Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) chief Michael Brown, saying: "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."
Brown has become a lightning rod for criticism over Washington's sluggish response to Katrina, one of the worst natural disasters to hit the United States, and opposition Democrats have stepped up calls for Bush to fire him.
The president has also come under fire for paying tribute to ravaged New Orleans as a place he used to visit years ago "to enjoy myself -- occasionally too much," an apparent reference to the days before he quit drinking.
In an effort to raise the spirits of the hundreds of thousands who have lost their homes, Bush promised to rebuild devastated areas better than they were before, but at one point focused on the home of a powerful lawmaker.
"Out of the rubbles of Trent Lott's house -- he's lost his entire house -- there's going to be a fantastic house. And I'm looking forward to sitting on the porch," he said on a tour of the region Friday, drawing nervous laughter.
Some Republicans winced, including one disbelieving congressional aide who told AFP: "Lott? He's focusing on Lott? Surrounded by poor people, he talks about a sitting senator?"
There have also been echoes of the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, when Bush urged Americans to go shopping and live their lives as normally as possible.
In some of her first remarks after the hurricane, First Lady Laura Bush told Gulf Coast evacuees: "It's very important to get your children in school. It gives children a sense of normalcy."
The White House later put together a plan to help students and school districts affected by the hurricane.
Barbara Bush had raised eyebrows two days before US troops invaded Iraq, when she told ABC television that she was not interested in media commentators' concerns about the war's potential human toll.
"Why should we hear about body bags, and deaths, and how many, what day it's gonna happen, and how many this or what do you suppose?" she said. "It's not relevant. So, why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?"
Filmmaker Michael Moore used the remark in his fiercely anti-Bush film "Fahrenheit 9/11," leading former president George Bush to call him a "slimeball" and defend his wife as "a decent, wonderful person."
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
i have recently spent my time simmering in anger. what makes me so angry about katrina is that so many people keep asking "how is this possible in this country?" it's possible because we choose to be arrogant and cold to the poor, the people who've given their youth, their life energy, and the precious little time they have on this earth to fulfill the christian tenet of "there will be poor always." we ignore the fact that the people we expect to dust our monitors, empty our office trash and clean the breakroom make minimum wage. and those are the few that can find work. i'll not tirade right now (i see red all the time), but goddamnit i'm fucking pissed.
hey bush, what the fuck is this supposed to mean?
Bush had raised eyebrows on his first trip by, among other things, picking Sen. Trent Lott (news, bio, voting record), R-Miss. — instead of the thousands of mostly poor and black storm victims — as an example of loss. "Out of the rubbles of Trent Lott's house — he's lost his entire house — there's going to be a fantastic house. And I'm looking forward to sitting on the porch," Bush said with a laugh from an airplane hangar in Mobile, Ala.
i thought to myself, "self, what kind of music do we want to listen to? ben lee just isn't gonna cut it today." so i turned to nin. i was a nin freak in college. well, maybe not a freak, but i did see trent & co. at the frank erwin center on oct 28, 1994 with jc. and i had a mural sized trent poster. ah, college. so put in the downward spiral and went ot so i totally forgot that trent moved to new orleans after recording the downward spiral. he's fuckin' pissed.
here's link to an essay from author anne rice, formerly of new orleans, as link from
anne rice: "But to my country I want to say this: During this crisis you failed us. You looked down on us; you dismissed our victims; you dismissed us. You want our Jazz Fest, you want our Mardi Gras, you want our cooking and our music. Then when you saw us in real trouble, when you saw a tiny minority preying on the weak among us, you called us 'Sin City,' and turned your backs."
get your shit together, america.
hey bush, what the fuck is this supposed to mean?
Bush had raised eyebrows on his first trip by, among other things, picking Sen. Trent Lott (news, bio, voting record), R-Miss. — instead of the thousands of mostly poor and black storm victims — as an example of loss. "Out of the rubbles of Trent Lott's house — he's lost his entire house — there's going to be a fantastic house. And I'm looking forward to sitting on the porch," Bush said with a laugh from an airplane hangar in Mobile, Ala.
i thought to myself, "self, what kind of music do we want to listen to? ben lee just isn't gonna cut it today." so i turned to nin. i was a nin freak in college. well, maybe not a freak, but i did see trent & co. at the frank erwin center on oct 28, 1994 with jc. and i had a mural sized trent poster. ah, college. so put in the downward spiral and went ot so i totally forgot that trent moved to new orleans after recording the downward spiral. he's fuckin' pissed.
here's link to an essay from author anne rice, formerly of new orleans, as link from
anne rice: "But to my country I want to say this: During this crisis you failed us. You looked down on us; you dismissed our victims; you dismissed us. You want our Jazz Fest, you want our Mardi Gras, you want our cooking and our music. Then when you saw us in real trouble, when you saw a tiny minority preying on the weak among us, you called us 'Sin City,' and turned your backs."
get your shit together, america.
Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for the Poor - Yahoo! News
Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for the Poor
John Nichols Tue Sep 6, 1:08 PM ET
The Nation -- Finally, we have discovered the roots of George W. Bush's "compassionate conservatism."
On the heels of the president's "What, me worry?" response to the death, destruction and dislocation that followed upon Hurricane Katrina comes the news of his mother's Labor Day visit with hurricane evacuees at the Astrodome in Houston.
Commenting on the facilities that have been set up for the evacuees -- cots crammed side-by-side in a huge stadium where the lights never go out and the sound of sobbing children never completely ceases -- former First Lady Barbara Bush concluded that the poor people of New Orleans had lucked out.
"Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this, this is working very well for them," Mrs. Bush told American Public Media's "Marketplace" program, before returning to her multi-million dollar Houston home.
On the tape of the interview, Mrs. Bush chuckles audibly as she observes just how great things are going for families that are separated from loved ones, people who have been forced to abandon their homes and the only community where they have ever lived, and parents who are explaining to children that their pets, their toys and in some cases their friends may be lost forever. Perhaps the former first lady was amusing herself with the notion that evacuees without bread could eat cake.
At the very least, she was expressing a measure of empathy commensurate with that evidenced by her son during his fly-ins for disaster-zone photo opportunities.
On Friday, when even Republican lawmakers were giving the federal government an "F" for its response to the crisis,
President Bush heaped praise on embattled
Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Michael Brown. As thousands of victims of the hurricane continued to plead for food, water, shelter, medical care and a way out of the nightmare to which federal neglect had consigned them, Brown cheerily announced that "people are getting the help they need."
Barbara Bush's son put his arm around the addled FEMA functionary and declared, "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."
Like mother, like son.
Even when a hurricane hits, the apple does not fall far from the tree.
John Nichols Tue Sep 6, 1:08 PM ET
The Nation -- Finally, we have discovered the roots of George W. Bush's "compassionate conservatism."
On the heels of the president's "What, me worry?" response to the death, destruction and dislocation that followed upon Hurricane Katrina comes the news of his mother's Labor Day visit with hurricane evacuees at the Astrodome in Houston.
Commenting on the facilities that have been set up for the evacuees -- cots crammed side-by-side in a huge stadium where the lights never go out and the sound of sobbing children never completely ceases -- former First Lady Barbara Bush concluded that the poor people of New Orleans had lucked out.
"Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this, this is working very well for them," Mrs. Bush told American Public Media's "Marketplace" program, before returning to her multi-million dollar Houston home.
On the tape of the interview, Mrs. Bush chuckles audibly as she observes just how great things are going for families that are separated from loved ones, people who have been forced to abandon their homes and the only community where they have ever lived, and parents who are explaining to children that their pets, their toys and in some cases their friends may be lost forever. Perhaps the former first lady was amusing herself with the notion that evacuees without bread could eat cake.
At the very least, she was expressing a measure of empathy commensurate with that evidenced by her son during his fly-ins for disaster-zone photo opportunities.
On Friday, when even Republican lawmakers were giving the federal government an "F" for its response to the crisis,
President Bush heaped praise on embattled
Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Michael Brown. As thousands of victims of the hurricane continued to plead for food, water, shelter, medical care and a way out of the nightmare to which federal neglect had consigned them, Brown cheerily announced that "people are getting the help they need."
Barbara Bush's son put his arm around the addled FEMA functionary and declared, "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."
Like mother, like son.
Even when a hurricane hits, the apple does not fall far from the tree.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Don: Hey, Napoleon. What did you do last summer again?
Napoleon Dynamite: I told you! I spent it with my uncle in Alaska hunting wolverines!
Don: Did you shoot any?
Napoleon Dynamite: Yes, like 50 of 'em! They kept trying to attack my cousins, what the heck would you do in a situation like that?
Don: What kind of gun did you use?
Napoleon Dynamite: A freakin' 12-gauge, what do you think?
Napoleon Dynamite: I told you! I spent it with my uncle in Alaska hunting wolverines!
Don: Did you shoot any?
Napoleon Dynamite: Yes, like 50 of 'em! They kept trying to attack my cousins, what the heck would you do in a situation like that?
Don: What kind of gun did you use?
Napoleon Dynamite: A freakin' 12-gauge, what do you think?
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 - War Room
The president's sacrifice
The White House announced this afternoon that George W. Bush will cut short his vacation so that he can oversee the government's response to Hurricane Katrina. As the Washington Post explains it, Bush's advisors are "sensitive to the image of a president vacationing amid the hurricane crisis."
That's fair enough. When the death toll is climbing, when rescue teams are still searching for the missing, when homes are under water and without power -- well, a certain amount of respect and common sense might suggest that it's not a good time to be playing Cowboy President down in Crawford.
But isn't it also fair to ask, what about Iraq? By our count, 71 Americans have been killed in Iraq since Bush arrived in Crawford on Aug. 2. The president didn't return to Washington on Aug. 3, when 14 Marines were killed near Haditha. He didn't return on Aug. 9, when five National Guardsmen and a soldier were killed in separate incidents. He didn't return when Iraqi negotiators failed to meet a deadline, then failed to meet a deadline, then failed to meet a deadline, then failed to meet a deadline and then failed to reach agreement on a draft constitution.
Instead, the president stayed in Crawford, bicycling with Lance Armstrong and avoiding Cindy Sheehan while making the occasional side trip to Utah, to Idaho, to an RV park in Arizona and finally to an Air Force Base in California. That's where the president was this morning, commemorating the 60th anniversary of V-J Day and talking about the "sacrifice" -- he used the word seven times -- that Americans have always been willing to make in times of war.
And now the president will make his own sacrifice, albeit for Katrina, not Iraq. The president will squeeze in one more night at Crawford tonight, then he'll fly back to Washington Wednesday. He'll have spent 28 full days away from the White House, two short of the 30 he had planned."> - War Room: "The president's sacrifice
The White House announced this afternoon that George W. Bush will cut short his vacation so that he can oversee the government's response to Hurricane Katrina. As the Washington Post explains it, Bush's advisors are 'sensitive to the image of a president vacationing amid the hurricane crisis.'
That's fair enough. When the death toll is climbing, when rescue teams are still searching for the missing, when homes are under water and without power -- well, a certain amount of respect and common sense might suggest that it's not a good time to be playing Cowboy President down in Crawford.
But isn't it also fair to ask, what about Iraq? By our count, 71 Americans have been killed in Iraq since Bush arrived in Crawford on Aug. 2. The president didn't return to Washington on Aug. 3, when 14 Marines were killed near Haditha. He didn't return on Aug. 9, when five National Guardsmen and a soldier were killed in separate incidents. He didn't return when Iraqi negotiators failed to meet a deadline, then failed to meet a deadline, then failed to meet a deadline, then failed to meet a deadline and then failed to reach agreement on a draft constitution.
Instead, the president stayed in Crawford, bicycling with Lance Armstrong and avoiding Cindy Sheehan while making the occasional side trip to Utah, to Idaho, to an RV park in Arizona and finally to an Air Force Base in California. That's where the president was this morning, commemorating the 60th anniversary of V-J Day and talking about the 'sacrifice' -- he used the word seven times -- that Americans have always been willing to make in times of war.
And now the president will make his own sacrifice, albeit for Katrina, not Iraq. The president will squeeze in one more night at Crawford tonight, then he'll fly back to Washington Wednesday. He'll have spent 28 full days away from the White House, two short of the 30 he had planned."
The White House announced this afternoon that George W. Bush will cut short his vacation so that he can oversee the government's response to Hurricane Katrina. As the Washington Post explains it, Bush's advisors are "sensitive to the image of a president vacationing amid the hurricane crisis."
That's fair enough. When the death toll is climbing, when rescue teams are still searching for the missing, when homes are under water and without power -- well, a certain amount of respect and common sense might suggest that it's not a good time to be playing Cowboy President down in Crawford.
But isn't it also fair to ask, what about Iraq? By our count, 71 Americans have been killed in Iraq since Bush arrived in Crawford on Aug. 2. The president didn't return to Washington on Aug. 3, when 14 Marines were killed near Haditha. He didn't return on Aug. 9, when five National Guardsmen and a soldier were killed in separate incidents. He didn't return when Iraqi negotiators failed to meet a deadline, then failed to meet a deadline, then failed to meet a deadline, then failed to meet a deadline and then failed to reach agreement on a draft constitution.
Instead, the president stayed in Crawford, bicycling with Lance Armstrong and avoiding Cindy Sheehan while making the occasional side trip to Utah, to Idaho, to an RV park in Arizona and finally to an Air Force Base in California. That's where the president was this morning, commemorating the 60th anniversary of V-J Day and talking about the "sacrifice" -- he used the word seven times -- that Americans have always been willing to make in times of war.
And now the president will make his own sacrifice, albeit for Katrina, not Iraq. The president will squeeze in one more night at Crawford tonight, then he'll fly back to Washington Wednesday. He'll have spent 28 full days away from the White House, two short of the 30 he had planned."> - War Room: "The president's sacrifice
The White House announced this afternoon that George W. Bush will cut short his vacation so that he can oversee the government's response to Hurricane Katrina. As the Washington Post explains it, Bush's advisors are 'sensitive to the image of a president vacationing amid the hurricane crisis.'
That's fair enough. When the death toll is climbing, when rescue teams are still searching for the missing, when homes are under water and without power -- well, a certain amount of respect and common sense might suggest that it's not a good time to be playing Cowboy President down in Crawford.
But isn't it also fair to ask, what about Iraq? By our count, 71 Americans have been killed in Iraq since Bush arrived in Crawford on Aug. 2. The president didn't return to Washington on Aug. 3, when 14 Marines were killed near Haditha. He didn't return on Aug. 9, when five National Guardsmen and a soldier were killed in separate incidents. He didn't return when Iraqi negotiators failed to meet a deadline, then failed to meet a deadline, then failed to meet a deadline, then failed to meet a deadline and then failed to reach agreement on a draft constitution.
Instead, the president stayed in Crawford, bicycling with Lance Armstrong and avoiding Cindy Sheehan while making the occasional side trip to Utah, to Idaho, to an RV park in Arizona and finally to an Air Force Base in California. That's where the president was this morning, commemorating the 60th anniversary of V-J Day and talking about the 'sacrifice' -- he used the word seven times -- that Americans have always been willing to make in times of war.
And now the president will make his own sacrifice, albeit for Katrina, not Iraq. The president will squeeze in one more night at Crawford tonight, then he'll fly back to Washington Wednesday. He'll have spent 28 full days away from the White House, two short of the 30 he had planned."
Sunday, August 28, 2005
ben lee sighting
so i was at whole foods today and as i was leaving, i noticed this guy sitting in the dining area between the bakery & jamba juice and he was checking out my friend elizabeth. i though to myself "he looks like ben lee." and so i said the same to elizabeth as we passed him, just as we turned to see his profile/back view, we got a good 3-inch crack shot. ben lee look-alike should wear underwear.
so later this evening, i was talking to jc about the stranger's amatuer porn contest. as i was searching for the article, i noticed the advert for ben lee. he was in town this weekend (AND I FUCKING MISSED THIE GODDAMN CONCERT!). so not only did ben lee check out my ex-girlfriend, but he also gave us our own private amatuer porn show. right there in the middle of whole foods.
breanna - not as great as all your fun musician sightings, but fun, nonetheless.
so later this evening, i was talking to jc about the stranger's amatuer porn contest. as i was searching for the article, i noticed the advert for ben lee. he was in town this weekend (AND I FUCKING MISSED THIE GODDAMN CONCERT!). so not only did ben lee check out my ex-girlfriend, but he also gave us our own private amatuer porn show. right there in the middle of whole foods.
breanna - not as great as all your fun musician sightings, but fun, nonetheless.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
work, beeatch!
no work! went to agua verde and had lunch with laura and the joneses. great times. had cod. are we allowed to eat cod? isn't going extinct or something? we went kayaking and i loved it. had only been in a two seater, so this was quite a change for me. the four of us paddled around the lake (good fuckin' times, yo). the arboretum was lot's o'fun. i highly recommend the trip. saw some fish (three), four great blue herons (i almost hit one), some coots or cooters or some near-offensive bird name and about three hundred and seven mallards. those birds are funny when they're eating and have their bottoms up.
i had to pee about half an hour into a two hour trip. damnit.
flirted with some hot chicks and they flirted back. whoa. that was nice. but they were smoking (smoking hot, yes, but smoking cigarettes) and i think that's nasty and not in a good way. of course, upon talking to them, i was reduced to grunts and some unintelligeble banter "buh, duuuh, uhhh, *snort* yip, bork-bork, hayiee!"
i'm such a smooth muthufuckuh.
afterwards, we had margaritas, ceiviche (sp) and quesedillas. yum. had a call for an interview at starbux.
woke up and i looked like a racoon. after sunday's hours in the park (what, like 6 hours?) and then the same time on the lake, i was filipino brown. i'm talking from the motherland brown. except around my eyes. i mean what would i do with out uv protection? not look like a freakin' snowboarder, that's for sure.
so i have my interview and i felt drunk. only i hadn't been drinking. i think, THINK i had TOO MUCH SUN. is there such a thing in seattle?
i thought the interview was terrible: she just told me about the job, what they were looking for and asked if i had any questions. typically, i am usually asked questions about myself, how i would handle certain situations, what's my sign, etc. uh, okay.
no calls. i freaked. went to the hardware store for paint colors and to get a handle for my desk. the handle sucked so i walked to fred meyer. yes, that's right. i walked from the top of queen anne down through fremont over to ballard and into fred meyer. i hadn't been to a place like that in a long time.
went to bellevue for an interview with a microsoft temp agency. i hate the east side. i mean, the burbs just ain't my thing.
so i got home and dennis & rebecca were watching big brother. i had some smart ass comment - "do you know who the prime minister of iraq is?" and d got pissed. i do shit like that a lot - stuff i don't get, i attack. i got what he was saying and apologized. me: recovering modern jackass.
we went to cafe diablo. i had the diablo chocolate cake and some kind of cuban cappuccino. got a call from volt saying i had the starbux job, only it would start until the middle of sept. fuck. i hope i can get unemployment.
watched "bad santa." movie wasn't great, but i laughed a lot. and that's important.
moby | hotel
no work! went to agua verde and had lunch with laura and the joneses. great times. had cod. are we allowed to eat cod? isn't going extinct or something? we went kayaking and i loved it. had only been in a two seater, so this was quite a change for me. the four of us paddled around the lake (good fuckin' times, yo). the arboretum was lot's o'fun. i highly recommend the trip. saw some fish (three), four great blue herons (i almost hit one), some coots or cooters or some near-offensive bird name and about three hundred and seven mallards. those birds are funny when they're eating and have their bottoms up.
i had to pee about half an hour into a two hour trip. damnit.
flirted with some hot chicks and they flirted back. whoa. that was nice. but they were smoking (smoking hot, yes, but smoking cigarettes) and i think that's nasty and not in a good way. of course, upon talking to them, i was reduced to grunts and some unintelligeble banter "buh, duuuh, uhhh, *snort* yip, bork-bork, hayiee!"
i'm such a smooth muthufuckuh.
afterwards, we had margaritas, ceiviche (sp) and quesedillas. yum. had a call for an interview at starbux.
woke up and i looked like a racoon. after sunday's hours in the park (what, like 6 hours?) and then the same time on the lake, i was filipino brown. i'm talking from the motherland brown. except around my eyes. i mean what would i do with out uv protection? not look like a freakin' snowboarder, that's for sure.
so i have my interview and i felt drunk. only i hadn't been drinking. i think, THINK i had TOO MUCH SUN. is there such a thing in seattle?
i thought the interview was terrible: she just told me about the job, what they were looking for and asked if i had any questions. typically, i am usually asked questions about myself, how i would handle certain situations, what's my sign, etc. uh, okay.
no calls. i freaked. went to the hardware store for paint colors and to get a handle for my desk. the handle sucked so i walked to fred meyer. yes, that's right. i walked from the top of queen anne down through fremont over to ballard and into fred meyer. i hadn't been to a place like that in a long time.
went to bellevue for an interview with a microsoft temp agency. i hate the east side. i mean, the burbs just ain't my thing.
so i got home and dennis & rebecca were watching big brother. i had some smart ass comment - "do you know who the prime minister of iraq is?" and d got pissed. i do shit like that a lot - stuff i don't get, i attack. i got what he was saying and apologized. me: recovering modern jackass.
we went to cafe diablo. i had the diablo chocolate cake and some kind of cuban cappuccino. got a call from volt saying i had the starbux job, only it would start until the middle of sept. fuck. i hope i can get unemployment.
watched "bad santa." movie wasn't great, but i laughed a lot. and that's important.
moby | hotel
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Sony adds Web browser to PSP mobile game device - Yahoo! News
fuck. this is just too cool. if the stoopid universal disc format whatever actually takes off, sony could have a replacement for the clie. just drop palm 5.3 on this badboy and you are all set.
Sony adds Web browser to PSP mobile game device - Yahoo! News
Sony adds Web browser to PSP mobile game device - Yahoo! News
Sunday, August 21, 2005
weekend update
last day of work
they gave me some starbucks alcohol for a parting gift.
had dinner with the jones's in west seattle. laura is in town! she's one of my dear friends from high school.
went to cafe diablo on queen anne and talked about married life.
went to the 5 spot and had HORRIBLE mojitos. the cuba libre (aka rum and coke) wasn't worth 5 bucks, but it was okay. also saw michael mcmurry, another high school chum.
walked to the udistrict. bought some books and ate a chocolate raspberry brownie. SO THAT'S WHERE THE CHUNKY BELLY SYNDROME COMES FROM! walked back and was kinda bummed. damn, but this drought has been rough.
got up and went to the danskin triathlon at genessee park to support liz. and get some skin cancer as i didn't even think about putting sunscreen on. this is seattle, for chrissakes!
afterwards, her friend mike dropped us off at volunteer park where we hung out with some old friends. deb & nicole, jen & julia, crosta and amy and joe. some older guy walked up and asked if we with the presbytarian group. the ladies said no, but he should check on the other side of the road. as he walked away, jen said "we're of the lesbytarian church, not presbytarian." damn, but i do love me some lesbytarians.
in sad news, it seems deb & nicole's kitty (ginger) is on her last legs. joe, ever the dear friend, has volunteered to put the cat down. it seems diabetes, a tumor and kitty laryngitis haven't been quite enough to choke the life force from it's tiny body. sad.
got home. talked to jeff about job, life, family, etc. took a nap. woke up and did laundry, then went for a walk. talked to niken and then vanessa. niken is fine in the woodlands. tomorrow is vanescha's first day of law school at university of new mex in albuquerque (i don't think i spelled that correctly). so she's already doing homework. blech.
last day of work
they gave me some starbucks alcohol for a parting gift.
had dinner with the jones's in west seattle. laura is in town! she's one of my dear friends from high school.
went to cafe diablo on queen anne and talked about married life.
went to the 5 spot and had HORRIBLE mojitos. the cuba libre (aka rum and coke) wasn't worth 5 bucks, but it was okay. also saw michael mcmurry, another high school chum.
walked to the udistrict. bought some books and ate a chocolate raspberry brownie. SO THAT'S WHERE THE CHUNKY BELLY SYNDROME COMES FROM! walked back and was kinda bummed. damn, but this drought has been rough.
got up and went to the danskin triathlon at genessee park to support liz. and get some skin cancer as i didn't even think about putting sunscreen on. this is seattle, for chrissakes!
afterwards, her friend mike dropped us off at volunteer park where we hung out with some old friends. deb & nicole, jen & julia, crosta and amy and joe. some older guy walked up and asked if we with the presbytarian group. the ladies said no, but he should check on the other side of the road. as he walked away, jen said "we're of the lesbytarian church, not presbytarian." damn, but i do love me some lesbytarians.
in sad news, it seems deb & nicole's kitty (ginger) is on her last legs. joe, ever the dear friend, has volunteered to put the cat down. it seems diabetes, a tumor and kitty laryngitis haven't been quite enough to choke the life force from it's tiny body. sad.
got home. talked to jeff about job, life, family, etc. took a nap. woke up and did laundry, then went for a walk. talked to niken and then vanessa. niken is fine in the woodlands. tomorrow is vanescha's first day of law school at university of new mex in albuquerque (i don't think i spelled that correctly). so she's already doing homework. blech.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
watched swingers
ate leftovers
talked to liz for an hour. she seems to be going through the reevaluation of life that i have been in the last 2 years. great talking to her. she's invovled with americorp. does yoga. is taking a class at uw. wants to teach in a grad program (in vermont). lives on alki. misses gardening. we're going hiking at st. helens or stephen's pass before summer ends. rides her bike. hikes a lot. likes talking green. too bad she has a boyfriend. in boston, of all places. we're gonna have dinner with dave and amanda wednesday night. i'm looking forward to it.
since i got 2 hours sleep the night before, i turned in around 11:30pm and slept well. i have to say that it was the BEST rest i've had in a long time. after the poor sleep i had in january and february, i never fully recovered. it's as though my body is waiting for the ball to drop. again.
i'm feelin' kinda chunky. haven't been eating very well lately and i haven't been walking as much. hafta work on that. although i've stopped beer, ice cream calls me. daily.
watched swingers
ate leftovers
talked to liz for an hour. she seems to be going through the reevaluation of life that i have been in the last 2 years. great talking to her. she's invovled with americorp. does yoga. is taking a class at uw. wants to teach in a grad program (in vermont). lives on alki. misses gardening. we're going hiking at st. helens or stephen's pass before summer ends. rides her bike. hikes a lot. likes talking green. too bad she has a boyfriend. in boston, of all places. we're gonna have dinner with dave and amanda wednesday night. i'm looking forward to it.
since i got 2 hours sleep the night before, i turned in around 11:30pm and slept well. i have to say that it was the BEST rest i've had in a long time. after the poor sleep i had in january and february, i never fully recovered. it's as though my body is waiting for the ball to drop. again.
i'm feelin' kinda chunky. haven't been eating very well lately and i haven't been walking as much. hafta work on that. although i've stopped beer, ice cream calls me. daily.
Monday, August 15, 2005
weekend update
had dinner with the jones. drs bryan and diane jones are the parents of one of my high school friends, laura. bryan was my polisci prof back at TAMU. diane is a psychology prof, but i didn't take her class. they left TAMU for UW sometime in the mid 90's. i see them every couple of months. always great to share dinner with them. we seem to gravitate towards thai, the last three dinners were at racha in lower queen anne. mmmm, mmmm good. but i do love me some thai food. diane is going to help me with work on my fat one person show, as she is a psychologist doing research on body dysmorphia. we always talk politics and the meanderings of the idiots in power. i love it!
went home and i don't remember what i did. hmph.
dennis and i went to ikea and target. i got lots of stuff for the home. i figure even if i leave seattle next year, i should live like i'm gonna be here. no sense in a perpetual temporary lifestyle, right? saturday night i cleaned and organized according to the prophet, david allen, author of "getting things done." good times.
woke up and cleaned the bathroom. the tub was scrubbed for the first time in four months. yuck. made a migas for breakfast. they were good but not as good as kerby lane. jalapenos! i forgot jalapenos! damnit. i wonder if i've been away from austin too long. every once in a while, i'll miss it...
went on a walk and finally bought sunglasses. i've gone the last 3 months with a constant squint and my face was hurting from all that slantiness. had coffee if nina, a woman from uw that i started grad school with. she left lighting design after the first year and is now working on her art therapist training. i've run into her twice and thought i should at least see what's going on in her world. we had a good talk, but at exactly 5:15pm, she said "okay, i've gotta go." and was gone.
got home and made a dinner of chicken cacciatore. damnit, but i do love cooking again.
watched "singles." i hadn't seen it since it was in the theatre. did i watch it with kelly? ida know. back then, the city meant nothing to me. this time, i was awed by all of the familiar sights of my seattle home. even the fremont bridge made an appearance. the same drawbridge i walk across everyday. what a great movie. not brilliant cinema, but a MOVIE. a fairytale set in seattle. althought i've been happy to be alone, this movie made me want to share my time in seattle with someone.
it's 2:30am and i'm fucking wired from the coffee i had with nina and the subsequent gelatto i had at home. so i'm not so good at south beach. i just wanna sleep.
had dinner with the jones. drs bryan and diane jones are the parents of one of my high school friends, laura. bryan was my polisci prof back at TAMU. diane is a psychology prof, but i didn't take her class. they left TAMU for UW sometime in the mid 90's. i see them every couple of months. always great to share dinner with them. we seem to gravitate towards thai, the last three dinners were at racha in lower queen anne. mmmm, mmmm good. but i do love me some thai food. diane is going to help me with work on my fat one person show, as she is a psychologist doing research on body dysmorphia. we always talk politics and the meanderings of the idiots in power. i love it!
went home and i don't remember what i did. hmph.
dennis and i went to ikea and target. i got lots of stuff for the home. i figure even if i leave seattle next year, i should live like i'm gonna be here. no sense in a perpetual temporary lifestyle, right? saturday night i cleaned and organized according to the prophet, david allen, author of "getting things done." good times.
woke up and cleaned the bathroom. the tub was scrubbed for the first time in four months. yuck. made a migas for breakfast. they were good but not as good as kerby lane. jalapenos! i forgot jalapenos! damnit. i wonder if i've been away from austin too long. every once in a while, i'll miss it...
went on a walk and finally bought sunglasses. i've gone the last 3 months with a constant squint and my face was hurting from all that slantiness. had coffee if nina, a woman from uw that i started grad school with. she left lighting design after the first year and is now working on her art therapist training. i've run into her twice and thought i should at least see what's going on in her world. we had a good talk, but at exactly 5:15pm, she said "okay, i've gotta go." and was gone.
got home and made a dinner of chicken cacciatore. damnit, but i do love cooking again.
watched "singles." i hadn't seen it since it was in the theatre. did i watch it with kelly? ida know. back then, the city meant nothing to me. this time, i was awed by all of the familiar sights of my seattle home. even the fremont bridge made an appearance. the same drawbridge i walk across everyday. what a great movie. not brilliant cinema, but a MOVIE. a fairytale set in seattle. althought i've been happy to be alone, this movie made me want to share my time in seattle with someone.
it's 2:30am and i'm fucking wired from the coffee i had with nina and the subsequent gelatto i had at home. so i'm not so good at south beach. i just wanna sleep.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
sometimes you just gotta chink it up
2nd dinner (in one evening) with beverly. we went to edmonds, the asian center of seattle. drove by lots of korean places and finally stopped at some place that wasn't too bad. we had some kind of hot seafood soup and korean beer. as the meal was winding down, the owner served everyone chili cheese fries. no really, he did. at a korean restaurant, we ended our meal with greasy chili cheese fries. neither of us wanted them, but the guy was sooo proud. what could we do? beverly is going to the philipines for 3 weeks. i wish i could go as i've never been to the motherland. someday, i will go. in the meantime, bubble tea and beef bulgogi will have to do.
2nd dinner (in one evening) with beverly. we went to edmonds, the asian center of seattle. drove by lots of korean places and finally stopped at some place that wasn't too bad. we had some kind of hot seafood soup and korean beer. as the meal was winding down, the owner served everyone chili cheese fries. no really, he did. at a korean restaurant, we ended our meal with greasy chili cheese fries. neither of us wanted them, but the guy was sooo proud. what could we do? beverly is going to the philipines for 3 weeks. i wish i could go as i've never been to the motherland. someday, i will go. in the meantime, bubble tea and beef bulgogi will have to do.
Friday, August 12, 2005
beverly, elena and i went to dragonfish.
does anyone else go to their post-10pm happy hour?
half price drinks and sushi? HELLO PEOPLE! we need to organize and take advantage of this resource!
beverly, elena and i went to dragonfish.
does anyone else go to their post-10pm happy hour?
half price drinks and sushi? HELLO PEOPLE! we need to organize and take advantage of this resource!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
casa luna (aka casa tuna) got a fancy propane grill. remember, you must say "propane and propane accessories" like you are hank hill from king of the hill. i made a corn and black bean salad complete with cilantro, red onions, red peppers, jalapenos and avacodos, swimming in lime juice. oh yes, it was THAT good. arthur chopped veggies and brough shrip for kabobs. we ate well. i like the grill. coren, elizabeth's boyfriend, doesn't eat any meat so we had to segregate the grill. and btw, there are very few pleasures in this world like grilled pineapple.
casa luna (aka casa tuna) got a fancy propane grill. remember, you must say "propane and propane accessories" like you are hank hill from king of the hill. i made a corn and black bean salad complete with cilantro, red onions, red peppers, jalapenos and avacodos, swimming in lime juice. oh yes, it was THAT good. arthur chopped veggies and brough shrip for kabobs. we ate well. i like the grill. coren, elizabeth's boyfriend, doesn't eat any meat so we had to segregate the grill. and btw, there are very few pleasures in this world like grilled pineapple.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
birtday update
birthday karaoke at leilani lanes. good times were had by all. it was kind of a laid back night as everyone came from either their show or rehearsals.
dennis and his friend rebecca took maeka(sp?) and i too ihop for a delicious, greasy breakfast feast. she's something else. when someone in the audience told her how wonderful her patsy cline song was, she replied "i know."
i love partying like a rock star.
dennis and his friend rebecca took maeka(sp?) and i too ihop for a delicious, greasy breakfast feast. she's something else. when someone in the audience told her how wonderful her patsy cline song was, she replied "i know."
i love partying like a rock star.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
happy birthday to me
so today was my birthday
had horrible dreams last night about buying a house with corpses.
there was a 2 hour+ power outage here in queen anne last night.
a fight almost broke out on the bus this morning.
my new team bought me a cookie for my birthday. they are very nice and i could like working with them, should this assignment continue. i work in category - merchandise at starbuck's corporate. a bunch of business/artistic types and lots of designers. not too bad.
took the bus to whole foods and met elizabeth there. we thought about taking food to gasworks, but decided to eat at agua verde BUT... they were BUSY BUSY BUSY. so we went back to my place and walked arounda bit, to kerry park and then up the hill. had dinner at great, decently-sushi place.
dave called and sang happy birthday in chinese. ben called an sang the marilyn monroe happy birthday. jeff almost forgot, but i reminded him. becca, mona, darla, liz and lo also called. kelly did not.
i'm off to eat ben and jerry's ice cream. saturday night, i'm going to leilani lanes for bowling, karaoke and drinking... all in celebration of my birthday.
had horrible dreams last night about buying a house with corpses.
there was a 2 hour+ power outage here in queen anne last night.
a fight almost broke out on the bus this morning.
my new team bought me a cookie for my birthday. they are very nice and i could like working with them, should this assignment continue. i work in category - merchandise at starbuck's corporate. a bunch of business/artistic types and lots of designers. not too bad.
took the bus to whole foods and met elizabeth there. we thought about taking food to gasworks, but decided to eat at agua verde BUT... they were BUSY BUSY BUSY. so we went back to my place and walked arounda bit, to kerry park and then up the hill. had dinner at great, decently-sushi place.
dave called and sang happy birthday in chinese. ben called an sang the marilyn monroe happy birthday. jeff almost forgot, but i reminded him. becca, mona, darla, liz and lo also called. kelly did not.
i'm off to eat ben and jerry's ice cream. saturday night, i'm going to leilani lanes for bowling, karaoke and drinking... all in celebration of my birthday.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
went to work. it's nice to listen to at work. it is the *best* npr station i've heard. and yes, it's better than kut.
i feel the need to talk to people about the state of affairs in the world. back in the day, jeff beebe and i would talk about this shit, but he's been busy watching cable. how droll. not that i'm judgemental or anything, but DON'T LET YOUR MIND ROT IN FRONT OF THE TELEVISION. the way i see it, if i have time to watch tv, i have time to work on my career. right? right.
speaking of, i meet with the soma theatre guy tomorrow. adam larmer and i will be co-teaching training starting in the fall with this theatre company. exciting because: a) i get to teach training, b) robyn will mentor us through the process of developing our own approach and c) refer to "b." i'm also gonna teach three acting classes in renton this fall and i think i'll work at the ikea performing arts center doing something as yet to be determined.
talked to jesse yesterday. seems he's having a pretty crazy time in college station this summer. he's been hanging out at revolution, which just happens to be owned by the sister of the guy that owns caffe capri. as idiodic and backwards as my hometown-hamlet is, it's nice to know all the cool kids haven't left town (although they probably should.)
kelly gets here tomorrow. i don't know how i feel about this - sometimes, i want to tell her to run away from me. however, i do enjoy her companionship and her perspective (12 years or so), but i feel like i have very little to offer her.
left work early today as i've been feeling sickly. namely, tired. i've been exhausted since the p3 workshop ended. can you get mono twice? didn't think so. what the fuck is wrong with me. all i want to do is sleep. all the time.
dennis and i will get broadband soon. and he'll probably want cable. i don't want cable. i don't want to be distracted by that shit. i'd much rather get netflix. hmph. i think i will.
went to work. it's nice to listen to at work. it is the *best* npr station i've heard. and yes, it's better than kut.
i feel the need to talk to people about the state of affairs in the world. back in the day, jeff beebe and i would talk about this shit, but he's been busy watching cable. how droll. not that i'm judgemental or anything, but DON'T LET YOUR MIND ROT IN FRONT OF THE TELEVISION. the way i see it, if i have time to watch tv, i have time to work on my career. right? right.
speaking of, i meet with the soma theatre guy tomorrow. adam larmer and i will be co-teaching training starting in the fall with this theatre company. exciting because: a) i get to teach training, b) robyn will mentor us through the process of developing our own approach and c) refer to "b." i'm also gonna teach three acting classes in renton this fall and i think i'll work at the ikea performing arts center doing something as yet to be determined.
talked to jesse yesterday. seems he's having a pretty crazy time in college station this summer. he's been hanging out at revolution, which just happens to be owned by the sister of the guy that owns caffe capri. as idiodic and backwards as my hometown-hamlet is, it's nice to know all the cool kids haven't left town (although they probably should.)
kelly gets here tomorrow. i don't know how i feel about this - sometimes, i want to tell her to run away from me. however, i do enjoy her companionship and her perspective (12 years or so), but i feel like i have very little to offer her.
left work early today as i've been feeling sickly. namely, tired. i've been exhausted since the p3 workshop ended. can you get mono twice? didn't think so. what the fuck is wrong with me. all i want to do is sleep. all the time.
dennis and i will get broadband soon. and he'll probably want cable. i don't want cable. i don't want to be distracted by that shit. i'd much rather get netflix. hmph. i think i will.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
weekend update
thursday evening, tim johnson arrived from ohio. tim is one of my former classmates. i constantly refer to him as the "mother" of our class. i mean this in the absolute best way as tim took care of us and made sure we took care of each other. he was in town for an alexander technique "intensive." tim is tenure-track faculty at university of ohio in athens and i spent much of his visit asking about how his job search went, what to expect, etc. great resource - and great to see him. he hasn't changed a bit.
friday, amy thone at seattle shakespeare called me. she was very happy to hear i had returned to seattle and wanted me to come in for their general audition. also, dennis, tim and i went to 5 spot for a quick drink.
saturday morning, i had breakfast with lo in wallingford. i woke up early to take tim to the workshop, then picked lo up at the u-district farmer's market. i will have to walk there next weekend. it was great talking to her. she's from oklahoma and we have that southern perspective in common, but she is also obsessed with physical training (the suzuki work i do) and does yoga. lo has spent much time studying astrology and i was fascinated to hear bits and pieces of my chart and what it means. apparently, my saturn has not yet returned, which is a good thing. i may have figured some shit out over the past year, but i have no order in my life right now.
went for a three hour walk after breakfast to the udistrict, where i bought star trek: first contact on dvd. star trek makes my day better. yes, i am a big fucking geek. fuck you if you judge me - i'm sure you silly little life has it's assortment of trivia that makes you and only you happy. whoa. why the hell am i so defensive?
mt. rainier was out in it's full glory all weekend. even after 5 years of viewing it, it still takes my breath away. went down to kerry park and sat for about an hour admiring the view of the city and the mountain as the sun set. i love my city. even if it feels empty.
i have very little capacity for love right now. i don't know how to connect emotionally - this has always been somewhat of a problem as i go to either extreme. now, i wade in the shallow end of the romance pool. damn - i'm not quite sure what to do with all that.
sunday morning, i took tim to the airport. went home and auditioned for seattle shakes. easy and fun, as stephanie and amy are very warm. then i went on a five hour trek through the city. again, over and down queen anne, through fremont, across the lower lip of wallingford, up the u-district and ending up in ravenna.
hung out with elizabeth for a bit. we met up at dania, a swanky furniture store then went to whole foods (whole paycheck) and sampled all the fresh fruits. fuck, i love summer time. i miss my mom's garden. fresh cherries, fresh peaches and fresh tomatoes are so damn good. i bought a nectarine and it was the best nectarine of my life. elizabeth bought a watermelon, but it wasn't very sweet.
so i'm home now.
friday, amy thone at seattle shakespeare called me. she was very happy to hear i had returned to seattle and wanted me to come in for their general audition. also, dennis, tim and i went to 5 spot for a quick drink.
saturday morning, i had breakfast with lo in wallingford. i woke up early to take tim to the workshop, then picked lo up at the u-district farmer's market. i will have to walk there next weekend. it was great talking to her. she's from oklahoma and we have that southern perspective in common, but she is also obsessed with physical training (the suzuki work i do) and does yoga. lo has spent much time studying astrology and i was fascinated to hear bits and pieces of my chart and what it means. apparently, my saturn has not yet returned, which is a good thing. i may have figured some shit out over the past year, but i have no order in my life right now.
went for a three hour walk after breakfast to the udistrict, where i bought star trek: first contact on dvd. star trek makes my day better. yes, i am a big fucking geek. fuck you if you judge me - i'm sure you silly little life has it's assortment of trivia that makes you and only you happy. whoa. why the hell am i so defensive?
mt. rainier was out in it's full glory all weekend. even after 5 years of viewing it, it still takes my breath away. went down to kerry park and sat for about an hour admiring the view of the city and the mountain as the sun set. i love my city. even if it feels empty.
i have very little capacity for love right now. i don't know how to connect emotionally - this has always been somewhat of a problem as i go to either extreme. now, i wade in the shallow end of the romance pool. damn - i'm not quite sure what to do with all that.
sunday morning, i took tim to the airport. went home and auditioned for seattle shakes. easy and fun, as stephanie and amy are very warm. then i went on a five hour trek through the city. again, over and down queen anne, through fremont, across the lower lip of wallingford, up the u-district and ending up in ravenna.
hung out with elizabeth for a bit. we met up at dania, a swanky furniture store then went to whole foods (whole paycheck) and sampled all the fresh fruits. fuck, i love summer time. i miss my mom's garden. fresh cherries, fresh peaches and fresh tomatoes are so damn good. i bought a nectarine and it was the best nectarine of my life. elizabeth bought a watermelon, but it wasn't very sweet.
so i'm home now.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
tabula rasa
Pronunciation: "ta-by&-l&-'rä-z&, -s&
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural ta·bu·lae ra·sae /-"lI-'rä-"zI, -"sI/
Etymology: Latin, smoothed or erased tablet
1 : the mind in its hypothetical primary blank or empty state before receiving outside impressions
2 : something existing in its original pristine state
so i'm yet at another time of new beginnings. respectfully letting go of the past is difficult. i love beth's most recent post. recounting life a year ago.
a year ago, i was lonely and without any friends in austin.
a year ago, i worked in sales at dell.
a year ago, i was miserable in the dying gasps of a long-term relationship.
a year ago, jeff beebe and i went to our first monday night dinner at adam, dory and cassidy's.
a year ago, i was applying for jobs like a madman.
now, i am in seattle.
i work at starbucks, but like dell, it is only temp.
i am not in a relationship, and despite jeff's claim otherwise, i'm not "thirty seconds away from one."
i have a new monday night dinner crew, although it's been 5 weeks since my last dinner. need to change that.
however, i am applying for jobs like a madman.
specifically, teaching jobs. i will stay here and teach at a civic theatre in renton, a community just south of seattle. adult, shakespeare and a teen class. also, this fall i will begin a kind of apprenticeship with my physical training mentor, robyn hunt.
after next year, however, i will apply for university teaching positions across the us.
things are beginning to come together for me. all in a new way - a clean slate, i guess.
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural ta·bu·lae ra·sae /-"lI-'rä-"zI, -"sI/
Etymology: Latin, smoothed or erased tablet
1 : the mind in its hypothetical primary blank or empty state before receiving outside impressions
2 : something existing in its original pristine state
so i'm yet at another time of new beginnings. respectfully letting go of the past is difficult. i love beth's most recent post. recounting life a year ago.
a year ago, i was lonely and without any friends in austin.
a year ago, i worked in sales at dell.
a year ago, i was miserable in the dying gasps of a long-term relationship.
a year ago, jeff beebe and i went to our first monday night dinner at adam, dory and cassidy's.
a year ago, i was applying for jobs like a madman.
now, i am in seattle.
i work at starbucks, but like dell, it is only temp.
i am not in a relationship, and despite jeff's claim otherwise, i'm not "thirty seconds away from one."
i have a new monday night dinner crew, although it's been 5 weeks since my last dinner. need to change that.
however, i am applying for jobs like a madman.
specifically, teaching jobs. i will stay here and teach at a civic theatre in renton, a community just south of seattle. adult, shakespeare and a teen class. also, this fall i will begin a kind of apprenticeship with my physical training mentor, robyn hunt.
after next year, however, i will apply for university teaching positions across the us.
things are beginning to come together for me. all in a new way - a clean slate, i guess.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
what a wacky day.
first, my boss at starbucks wanted to know if i'd like to go work in a store. okay.
i called vj at renton civic theatre and i have an interview tomorrow. i'm not sure what position, but i'm glad that's gonna happen.
then robyn hunt emails me regarding teaching physical training with a new group here in seattle. cool.
then i ran into tricia chapman on the street today. we dated for about ten minutes, right before i met elizabeth back in 2002. tricia is moving to nyc in october. oh, and she is engaged. wacky.
and boston was ALL over the place today. GEEBUS.
flickr is too damn fun. i setup my account back in december, but didn't touch it again until yesterday. FLICKR IS DAMN FUN.
first, my boss at starbucks wanted to know if i'd like to go work in a store. okay.
i called vj at renton civic theatre and i have an interview tomorrow. i'm not sure what position, but i'm glad that's gonna happen.
then robyn hunt emails me regarding teaching physical training with a new group here in seattle. cool.
then i ran into tricia chapman on the street today. we dated for about ten minutes, right before i met elizabeth back in 2002. tricia is moving to nyc in october. oh, and she is engaged. wacky.
and boston was ALL over the place today. GEEBUS.
flickr is too damn fun. i setup my account back in december, but didn't touch it again until yesterday. FLICKR IS DAMN FUN.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
so i posted some new entries from the last month. i will go back and add photos, etc soon. when i have time. geeze. check our the archives for june, if you are so inclined.
lately, i've been listening to a lot of:
ben lee | awake is the new sleep
jem | finally woken
moby | hotel
i understand i have to get the new gorillaz cd. whatchall think of it?
and finally, i have started listening to npr again. after the election, i had to cut out all media. well at least npr. i was pissed. ya'll remember that night, eh? good times.
is it strange that i am haunted by women of my past? tonight, i went to a bar to see someone from uw that currently lives in nyc. of all the peeps invited, the one random person i had never met before was brendan. brendan just happened to be the same brendan that becca hung out with when i left. just two weeks ago, i met a guy that was head-over heels for this woman. i think it's funny how after love's fire fails, your mind still finds things to remind you of said failure. how many ford escapes did i see today? 11. how many times did i read the word "boston" today? 5. how many times did i see a red sox hat today? 4. how many times did drive by massachusetts drive today? 2. how many times did i drive on belmont? 4.
then the akward batch of emails with kelly.
this is funny to me, as i was sad today and i couldn't identify why. so i listened to tenacious d | fuck her gently. that made me laugh. maybe npr makes me depressed.
slowly but surely, flickr will replace the photo journals.
lately, i've been listening to a lot of:
ben lee | awake is the new sleep
jem | finally woken
moby | hotel
i understand i have to get the new gorillaz cd. whatchall think of it?
and finally, i have started listening to npr again. after the election, i had to cut out all media. well at least npr. i was pissed. ya'll remember that night, eh? good times.
is it strange that i am haunted by women of my past? tonight, i went to a bar to see someone from uw that currently lives in nyc. of all the peeps invited, the one random person i had never met before was brendan. brendan just happened to be the same brendan that becca hung out with when i left. just two weeks ago, i met a guy that was head-over heels for this woman. i think it's funny how after love's fire fails, your mind still finds things to remind you of said failure. how many ford escapes did i see today? 11. how many times did i read the word "boston" today? 5. how many times did i see a red sox hat today? 4. how many times did drive by massachusetts drive today? 2. how many times did i drive on belmont? 4.
then the akward batch of emails with kelly.
this is funny to me, as i was sad today and i couldn't identify why. so i listened to tenacious d | fuck her gently. that made me laugh. maybe npr makes me depressed.
slowly but surely, flickr will replace the photo journals.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
tuesday july 7th
went to work. my first time to stay until 6pm. got home and had dinner with dennis. he brought salmon, corn on the cob, baked beans and asparagus from his parent's cookout. we watched kinsey. overall, i thought it was good, but the last 30 minutes were... uneven. tim, dennis's cast mate, is staying with us. he brough pizza from olympia pizza, so i had a second dinner. talked to jennifer for a bit. she's having family trauma as her step-mother is divorcing her father. geeze. 17 years of marriage, evaporated.
Monday, July 04, 2005
monday july 4th
cleaned room. found some becca and mern stuff. called kelly.
walked from queen anne to eastlake via fremont and wallingford. hung out at micky's for the afternoon. walked to down to pete's in eastlake - i love my old neighborhood. if i stay in seattle after next year, i would like to live there again. we got some cookies and ice cream. went back to his place, then crawled on the roof to camp out for fireworks on lake union. jamie and connell came over and we started the grill. bacon cheese burgers on a sunny july 4th are AWESOME. megan and leah from p3 came over for a bit, then had to leave to host their own party.
walked from eastake to wallingford to watch the fireworks from the place elizabeth was housesitting. her roommates sebastian and rian where there, as well as her old roommate paul and his mother susan. fireworks were great. last time i saw fireworks in seattle was new year's 2004 from adele and becca's place in the u district. i think this was the 3rd year elizabeth and i spent july 4th together. seems like we should have a tradition. happy birthday, america.
traffic was schiesty leaving wallingford. we took everyone back to the ravenna house, and then she dropped me off. i finally got my rice cooker back.
walked from queen anne to eastlake via fremont and wallingford. hung out at micky's for the afternoon. walked to down to pete's in eastlake - i love my old neighborhood. if i stay in seattle after next year, i would like to live there again. we got some cookies and ice cream. went back to his place, then crawled on the roof to camp out for fireworks on lake union. jamie and connell came over and we started the grill. bacon cheese burgers on a sunny july 4th are AWESOME. megan and leah from p3 came over for a bit, then had to leave to host their own party.
walked from eastake to wallingford to watch the fireworks from the place elizabeth was housesitting. her roommates sebastian and rian where there, as well as her old roommate paul and his mother susan. fireworks were great. last time i saw fireworks in seattle was new year's 2004 from adele and becca's place in the u district. i think this was the 3rd year elizabeth and i spent july 4th together. seems like we should have a tradition. happy birthday, america.
traffic was schiesty leaving wallingford. we took everyone back to the ravenna house, and then she dropped me off. i finally got my rice cooker back.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
sunday july 3rd
micky, lathrop and i went to "war of the worlds." it was alright, but the last 5 minutes blew.
saw becca from training at target, but only said hi. watchen "citizen kane." that was a great movie.
saw becca from training at target, but only said hi. watchen "citizen kane." that was a great movie.
month update update
so the workshop is finished and i have a lot to do. watch out during the next week as you may be hit with many updates from the past month.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
saturday july 2nd
went to golden gardens in ballard with micky and lathrop for jamie's birthday party. had a great time playing destroy the wind-up helicopter with the frisbee. also enoyed bratwurst. something about 4th of july weekend and bratwurst... they just go together. it rained a bit, but cleared up. golden gardens is awesome - i had never been there before. everyday, i'm amazed at how much of seattle i missed while i was in school.
saturday night, elizabeth came over. we walked down the hill to uptown for a bit of exercise. she talked to me about current issues. we walked back up the hill and went to the 5 spot. okay, so that was my 3rd trip in 4 days. i can't help it! it is good and cheap. i mean COME ON! dollar PBRs??? that's cheaper than getting them at the grocery store!
best quote of the weekend: "it's still light and i'm drunk!" - from someone leaving peso's in uptown.
saturday night, elizabeth came over. we walked down the hill to uptown for a bit of exercise. she talked to me about current issues. we walked back up the hill and went to the 5 spot. okay, so that was my 3rd trip in 4 days. i can't help it! it is good and cheap. i mean COME ON! dollar PBRs??? that's cheaper than getting them at the grocery store!
best quote of the weekend: "it's still light and i'm drunk!" - from someone leaving peso's in uptown.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Saturday, June 11, 2005
saturday june 11
graduation party at an asian restaurant
came home, went for a hike with uncle julio at eagle pass.
went to another graduation party and met a bunch of my mom's friends from the philipines
another party
another party, this one mostly kids graduating age.
my people have been through a lot in the transition from the philipines to america.
i was very impressed at how active my relatives are in their kid's lives. my parents were not at all. they barely knew my friends and certainly didn't know my friend's families. nor did they throw graduation parties. or the like. i wonder what this means to me.
it got me thinking about what it means to take care of one's selfs when we, in fact, live in a giant village of codependence.
i suddenly feel at a loss for never having a family active in my social life. as i think back, the only time i ever saw my friends and family meet away from my home was at orchestra concerts or plays. and that's it.
taking care of two younger sisters was a terrible responsibility to place on an 8 year old.
"don't open the door for anyone."
seems like i ate all day.
came home, went for a hike with uncle julio at eagle pass.
went to another graduation party and met a bunch of my mom's friends from the philipines
another party
another party, this one mostly kids graduating age.
my people have been through a lot in the transition from the philipines to america.
i was very impressed at how active my relatives are in their kid's lives. my parents were not at all. they barely knew my friends and certainly didn't know my friend's families. nor did they throw graduation parties. or the like. i wonder what this means to me.
it got me thinking about what it means to take care of one's selfs when we, in fact, live in a giant village of codependence.
i suddenly feel at a loss for never having a family active in my social life. as i think back, the only time i ever saw my friends and family meet away from my home was at orchestra concerts or plays. and that's it.
taking care of two younger sisters was a terrible responsibility to place on an 8 year old.
"don't open the door for anyone."
seems like i ate all day.
Friday, June 10, 2005
trip to san jose
friday june 10
training and learning a lot.
i decided to leave my job. done. i realized i hated it on tuesday. complained about that night. had a bad day on wednesday, left early and looked for other work. within a few hours, the temp agency called me with more work. on thursday, i told them. that's it.
i'm applying for a director of marketing and development position at empty space.
trip to san jose
left work at 2:30. it was really slow and i am SO. DONE. WITH. THAT. JOB.
went to barnes and noble and bought a book on grant writing and some magazines for the plane.
talked to jeff beebe at the airport. also talked to beverly.
flew and read the magazines and quickely arrived. it was cool to see the top of mt. raininer and then the golden gate bridge an hour and 15 minutes later.
spent the evening at my uncle's home. it was great to see my grandparents and oh so interesting to observe the way a filipino household works. everyone was a title as opposed to a name. auntie and grandpa, etc.
training and learning a lot.
i decided to leave my job. done. i realized i hated it on tuesday. complained about that night. had a bad day on wednesday, left early and looked for other work. within a few hours, the temp agency called me with more work. on thursday, i told them. that's it.
i'm applying for a director of marketing and development position at empty space.
trip to san jose
left work at 2:30. it was really slow and i am SO. DONE. WITH. THAT. JOB.
went to barnes and noble and bought a book on grant writing and some magazines for the plane.
talked to jeff beebe at the airport. also talked to beverly.
flew and read the magazines and quickely arrived. it was cool to see the top of mt. raininer and then the golden gate bridge an hour and 15 minutes later.
spent the evening at my uncle's home. it was great to see my grandparents and oh so interesting to observe the way a filipino household works. everyone was a title as opposed to a name. auntie and grandpa, etc.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
the pacific performance project workshop/summer intensive kicked off last night. and i started my process for teaching training. i love training. and as part of bodywork, i know this is what i want to do. i should add that when i say "training," i am refering to suzuki method of actor physical training. however, steve, robyn, peter and cathy have evolved the method into it's current hybrid/incarnation of "physical approaches to acting." so this month-long workshop is the best next step for me.
going to the theatre and being around actors as i have for the last few weeks has been a wonderful gift to myself. i've become so deeply entrenched in the corporate/job drudgery, i forgot the reasons i was there altogether, which are: 1) to build a small savings for financial stability and 2) to develop skills to help me run a theatre and/or university theatre department. i am on my way to both, but at what expense? my artistic soul? (forgive the nature of that question.) my human soul?
i'm anxious to see where these next few weeks and months take me, but i sense the need to have a larger impact (WITHIN the theatre) rumbling deep inside.
for most of you, this will be a shock, but i have found my way into appreciating competitive sports. as my body is shocked into remembering how difficult it is learning the training forms, i find rediscover my sense of mind/body and a feel a certain kinship with anyone who's ever struggled with making your body do something it has never done before. and this is just for training, which is only preparation for an audience. my alexander teacher always talked about ichiro, tiger woods, and apollo ono as examples of athletes to watch. when they used their bodies efficiently, they were at the top of their games. when they didn't, they were less spectacular. i need to read zen mind/beginner's mind.
here's my favorite, mysterious note from one of my mentors regarding slow tempo:
go deep inside and you will find many treasures there
gm - you move too much. you talk too much. you give too much. you constantly fill your time with activity and never take the time to process and meditate. what emptiness are you trying to fill? take time for yourself and recover.
going to the theatre and being around actors as i have for the last few weeks has been a wonderful gift to myself. i've become so deeply entrenched in the corporate/job drudgery, i forgot the reasons i was there altogether, which are: 1) to build a small savings for financial stability and 2) to develop skills to help me run a theatre and/or university theatre department. i am on my way to both, but at what expense? my artistic soul? (forgive the nature of that question.) my human soul?
i'm anxious to see where these next few weeks and months take me, but i sense the need to have a larger impact (WITHIN the theatre) rumbling deep inside.
for most of you, this will be a shock, but i have found my way into appreciating competitive sports. as my body is shocked into remembering how difficult it is learning the training forms, i find rediscover my sense of mind/body and a feel a certain kinship with anyone who's ever struggled with making your body do something it has never done before. and this is just for training, which is only preparation for an audience. my alexander teacher always talked about ichiro, tiger woods, and apollo ono as examples of athletes to watch. when they used their bodies efficiently, they were at the top of their games. when they didn't, they were less spectacular. i need to read zen mind/beginner's mind.
here's my favorite, mysterious note from one of my mentors regarding slow tempo:
go deep inside and you will find many treasures there
gm - you move too much. you talk too much. you give too much. you constantly fill your time with activity and never take the time to process and meditate. what emptiness are you trying to fill? take time for yourself and recover.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
le sigh
becca and i spent our last bit of time together tonight. there are no more scheduled trips or possible sightings on the horizon. and i'm sad, but i know that i am and she is, it could be and there we are.
we went to the space needle. the guy she's dating called her. of course he did. while we were on top of the space needle. i was reminded of taking a call from mern while becca was in the other room. [insert sigh here]. we went to racha, had some thai food and had another bottle of wine. that's just what we do, i guess.
music for tonight:
ben lee | begin | awake is the new sleep
franz ferdinand | come on home | franz ferdinand
iron and wine | such great heights | garden state
we went to the space needle. the guy she's dating called her. of course he did. while we were on top of the space needle. i was reminded of taking a call from mern while becca was in the other room. [insert sigh here]. we went to racha, had some thai food and had another bottle of wine. that's just what we do, i guess.
music for tonight:
ben lee | begin | awake is the new sleep
franz ferdinand | come on home | franz ferdinand
iron and wine | such great heights | garden state
when i post a longer blog, it seems people are less likely to comment. why is that? is it easier to comment on a posting if it is one idea as opposed to many? i've noticed this on others' blogs. what do you all think?
loose change
went to the artist's garage sale in mukilteo with elizabeth. as we drove up, we listened to this american life on the radio. it was a show about being godless in america and i loved it. we heard an excerpt from julia sweeney's one person show, letting go of god. it was brilliant and made me feel a little better about not being christian in america. basically, she actually went to bible study, actually reading the bible as opposed to passively accepting everything her clergy threw at her. the stories and parables are absurd! they make no sense and have nothing to do with the "traditional, family values" the religious right constantly portray as christian. i highly recommend downloading this show.
got to mukilteo and walked around, but i guess we got there too late. it seemed like a garage sale! the array of junk was not impressive. elizabeth and i ended up buying a box of national geographic magazines for images. we walked down to the ferry/pier. wanted to sit and enjoy the sun and view of the sound. the lighthouse didn't really have a place to park it, so we walked up the waterfront and had a good talk about what's going on. started back and realized how hungry i was. stopped at ivar's and we shared a scallops & chips and a cherry coke. for realz, i hadn't had a cherry coke since i was in fourth grade. talked more while shoveling the fried-goodness in our faces only to be tempted by the sweet, sweet sight of soft-serve ice cream. you can guess what we got after the polishing off the fries.
got home and wanted to take a nap, but jester called and we talked for a while. jester is stuck in college station for the summer but will be a free man in august. he was in temple (i should be clear: when i say temple, i mean temple, texas, not temple, hillel) with his family celebrating his sister's wedding. i realized yesterday was the first june wedding day when i was walked to the u-district listening to stevie wonder's "i just called to say i love you:"
No April rain,
No flowers' bloom,
No wedding Saturday
Within the month of June.
But what it is is
Something true
Made up of these three words
That I must say to you.
before i took off, i talked to kelly conway. and the old married man doled out advice on dealing with the ladies. ah, twitty j. good times.
walked to the u-district to see the short play festival or whatever the drama school is calling the ten-minute play festival these days. i didn't completely understand the choice of plays, specifically the second half, but all the work was good. the first play, savage/love, reminded me of le chat noir, one of the plays i did at the first ten minute play festival. it dealt with the all phases of a relationship: meeting, courting, loving, questioning, hating, breaking, etc. i simultaneously love and hate these types of plays. it was so raw, just the text, a chalkboard-paint floor and each others. it felt like a poem put in their bodies dealing with what i believe as the core of humanity: finding a way to interact with each other. the letters and words living in my head for so long were made actions in front of me. i just wanted to take action after seeing the play.
afterwards, brandon, samantha, fran, chance, maythinee, beverly, elena, brian gillespie and i went to big time and shared nachos and beer. i had a great time with them as they felt more like my peeps. 'sfunny how the patp "family" does that. hope i get to see them more this summer.
today is a cleaning day. i need to prepare for my week as i start training. dunno what i'm gonna do about laundry this week, but i'll make do somehow. becca and are supposed to hang out tonight.
got to mukilteo and walked around, but i guess we got there too late. it seemed like a garage sale! the array of junk was not impressive. elizabeth and i ended up buying a box of national geographic magazines for images. we walked down to the ferry/pier. wanted to sit and enjoy the sun and view of the sound. the lighthouse didn't really have a place to park it, so we walked up the waterfront and had a good talk about what's going on. started back and realized how hungry i was. stopped at ivar's and we shared a scallops & chips and a cherry coke. for realz, i hadn't had a cherry coke since i was in fourth grade. talked more while shoveling the fried-goodness in our faces only to be tempted by the sweet, sweet sight of soft-serve ice cream. you can guess what we got after the polishing off the fries.
got home and wanted to take a nap, but jester called and we talked for a while. jester is stuck in college station for the summer but will be a free man in august. he was in temple (i should be clear: when i say temple, i mean temple, texas, not temple, hillel) with his family celebrating his sister's wedding. i realized yesterday was the first june wedding day when i was walked to the u-district listening to stevie wonder's "i just called to say i love you:"
No April rain,
No flowers' bloom,
No wedding Saturday
Within the month of June.
But what it is is
Something true
Made up of these three words
That I must say to you.
before i took off, i talked to kelly conway. and the old married man doled out advice on dealing with the ladies. ah, twitty j. good times.
walked to the u-district to see the short play festival or whatever the drama school is calling the ten-minute play festival these days. i didn't completely understand the choice of plays, specifically the second half, but all the work was good. the first play, savage/love, reminded me of le chat noir, one of the plays i did at the first ten minute play festival. it dealt with the all phases of a relationship: meeting, courting, loving, questioning, hating, breaking, etc. i simultaneously love and hate these types of plays. it was so raw, just the text, a chalkboard-paint floor and each others. it felt like a poem put in their bodies dealing with what i believe as the core of humanity: finding a way to interact with each other. the letters and words living in my head for so long were made actions in front of me. i just wanted to take action after seeing the play.
afterwards, brandon, samantha, fran, chance, maythinee, beverly, elena, brian gillespie and i went to big time and shared nachos and beer. i had a great time with them as they felt more like my peeps. 'sfunny how the patp "family" does that. hope i get to see them more this summer.
today is a cleaning day. i need to prepare for my week as i start training. dunno what i'm gonna do about laundry this week, but i'll make do somehow. becca and are supposed to hang out tonight.
Saturday, June 04, 2005
reefer madness
had lunch with one of my co-workers yesterday. she and i have bonded at the work place, so to speak. i met her soon-to-be fiance last week at the brunch. they are a nice korean couple. and very religious.
took the 72 to the udistrict after work yesterday. well alrighty. went to radioshack to by one AAA battery and ended up leaving with $30 work of rechargable battery paraphenalia. funny thing: radioshack was playing bowling for columbine on all of their tvs. really. so the part where the showed some south park came on and the guy behind the counter said "i love south park." i said, yeah, its good, but this is part of bowling for columbine." "i've never seen it," he says. "you should," is said, "it's a great film." silence. "yeah, we didn't have cable when i was little, so i never watched the early episodes," he admits. STOP. i realized at that point that age of this kid. south started in fall of 1997. i was a senior in college and watched it religiously for a year. this guy couldn't have been older than 19 or 20. and he was manager at radioshack. kids these days.
went to the bookstore and picked up my copy of reefer madness that i put on hold last weekend. walked to whole foods and had a carmelita. damn, but it was gooood. if you've never had a carmelita, you are missing the point of life. i sat outside for an hour and read reefer madness - good book so far. by eric schlosser, the guy who wrote fast food nation. i hated reading fast food nation, but loved the book. investigative/current issue and events books are so much more interesting than ann coulter and her big fat loud mouth self.
had dinner with becs at sunlight cafe. it was akward at first, but got better after finishing a bottle of wine. awe yeah. she had the portabello burger and i had the enchilladas. of course, due to my stomach, i only had two bites and i was full.
afterwards, we went to starbux, had a couple of chai teas, talked and i walked her home. i'm supposed to see her sunday evening.
i got home and talked to jason romero again. we were on the phone for 1.5 hours last night and it was fun. i haven't really used instant messaging since i was at dell the first time (geezus. five years ago). i knew how immersive technology was getting, but i hadn't experienced talking, typing and listening.
woke up and i'm a little dizzy. feels like i'm developing an ear infuktion.
took the 72 to the udistrict after work yesterday. well alrighty. went to radioshack to by one AAA battery and ended up leaving with $30 work of rechargable battery paraphenalia. funny thing: radioshack was playing bowling for columbine on all of their tvs. really. so the part where the showed some south park came on and the guy behind the counter said "i love south park." i said, yeah, its good, but this is part of bowling for columbine." "i've never seen it," he says. "you should," is said, "it's a great film." silence. "yeah, we didn't have cable when i was little, so i never watched the early episodes," he admits. STOP. i realized at that point that age of this kid. south started in fall of 1997. i was a senior in college and watched it religiously for a year. this guy couldn't have been older than 19 or 20. and he was manager at radioshack. kids these days.
went to the bookstore and picked up my copy of reefer madness that i put on hold last weekend. walked to whole foods and had a carmelita. damn, but it was gooood. if you've never had a carmelita, you are missing the point of life. i sat outside for an hour and read reefer madness - good book so far. by eric schlosser, the guy who wrote fast food nation. i hated reading fast food nation, but loved the book. investigative/current issue and events books are so much more interesting than ann coulter and her big fat loud mouth self.
had dinner with becs at sunlight cafe. it was akward at first, but got better after finishing a bottle of wine. awe yeah. she had the portabello burger and i had the enchilladas. of course, due to my stomach, i only had two bites and i was full.
afterwards, we went to starbux, had a couple of chai teas, talked and i walked her home. i'm supposed to see her sunday evening.
i got home and talked to jason romero again. we were on the phone for 1.5 hours last night and it was fun. i haven't really used instant messaging since i was at dell the first time (geezus. five years ago). i knew how immersive technology was getting, but i hadn't experienced talking, typing and listening.
woke up and i'm a little dizzy. feels like i'm developing an ear infuktion.
a week
i had a week:
1) becca is in town
she still make me anxious, giddy, tongue-tied and loopy. fool! i'm a fool!
2) phone bill? over $500
'nuff said
3) i seriously thought i was gonna get fired.
my direct supervisor wouldn't really look at me last week, and only answered my questions with "yes," "no," or "you'll have to ask [insert name here]." fine. nothing too strange about that, right? thursday, i scheduled a meeting with her for friday morning at 10am to talk about my work progress, what i can improve, etc. between 8 and 10 on friday, she met with all the other admins i've been working with and the two people i support right now. behind closed doors! i just *knew* i was gonna get fired/let go. so knots that were in my stomach for reasons number 1 and 2 were multiplied by this. it didn't help that none of these people would look at me after their meetings.
we had a closed door meeting and i was mentally prepared. she told me what i needed to improve on: time management and confidence. hmph. i can do that. this job is truly overwhelming and no one was kidding when the warned me about the year learning curve. and then she told me that everyone i worked with really liked me. hmph. so it was all okay.
i'm struggling because i thought i could read people, but i just can't read this person. which seems to be a more common refrain these days.
1) becca is in town
she still make me anxious, giddy, tongue-tied and loopy. fool! i'm a fool!
2) phone bill? over $500
'nuff said
3) i seriously thought i was gonna get fired.
my direct supervisor wouldn't really look at me last week, and only answered my questions with "yes," "no," or "you'll have to ask [insert name here]." fine. nothing too strange about that, right? thursday, i scheduled a meeting with her for friday morning at 10am to talk about my work progress, what i can improve, etc. between 8 and 10 on friday, she met with all the other admins i've been working with and the two people i support right now. behind closed doors! i just *knew* i was gonna get fired/let go. so knots that were in my stomach for reasons number 1 and 2 were multiplied by this. it didn't help that none of these people would look at me after their meetings.
we had a closed door meeting and i was mentally prepared. she told me what i needed to improve on: time management and confidence. hmph. i can do that. this job is truly overwhelming and no one was kidding when the warned me about the year learning curve. and then she told me that everyone i worked with really liked me. hmph. so it was all okay.
i'm struggling because i thought i could read people, but i just can't read this person. which seems to be a more common refrain these days.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
okay kids. i have officially joined the cellular club. i got my first bill that nearly gave me a heart attack.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
today marked the 3rd thunderstorm since i've been back. in texas, i would think nothing of this, however, washington is a different matter. i only heard thunder 3 times while here for grad school. global warming.
of all the texas weather phenomena, i miss thunderstorms the most. there is nothing like a flotilla of thunderheads in the far off in the horizon as they snap and flash with electricity. seems like an eternity passes before they ever-so-slowly creep overhead. and all the while you stand transfixed in the ripping wind and warm rain as you deeply inhale the ozone. and then the feeling of soaking, cold rain as it falls and the rumble in the sky as the earth around you shakes with thunder. i miss that.
in seattle, the clouds are typically shapeless. without form and like a thick blanket filtering out the sunlight, making everything a subtle shade darker and without contrast. seattle has it's own beauty, but this despite it's weather, not because of it. okay, the rain makes it clean and green, but you know what i mean.
dave chappelle makes me laugh, but i think i need a good dose of friends to get me through. i've decided to put off any more friends until after training in june. then we'll see if i've truly kicked the habit. (friends refers to monica, chandler, joey, ross, rachel and phoebe, not REAL people. puh-leez)
last week, i saw a woman i trained with 3 years ago. she was waiting on a bus as i walked past on the sidewalk. i saw her, took a few seconds to place that familiar face, smiled, then waved at her. jesse saw me, took a second to figure out how she knew me, then happily waved back. i emailed her and that was a week ago. nothing since. i wonder why she didn't email me back. what do you with a situation like this? nothing?
i spoke to our receptionist today. karen is fantastic and i'm glad she's there. we exchange our pleasantries daily, but she always has nuggets of sage advice that simply make my day better. today, she spoke of how great it is to go somewhere new and make it. just make it for the sake of proving that you have the resilience to get through - to know you are able to take care of your self. to know that you can assemble a community or grow with a tribe. afterwards, i felt as though i had met with the buddha.
of all the texas weather phenomena, i miss thunderstorms the most. there is nothing like a flotilla of thunderheads in the far off in the horizon as they snap and flash with electricity. seems like an eternity passes before they ever-so-slowly creep overhead. and all the while you stand transfixed in the ripping wind and warm rain as you deeply inhale the ozone. and then the feeling of soaking, cold rain as it falls and the rumble in the sky as the earth around you shakes with thunder. i miss that.
in seattle, the clouds are typically shapeless. without form and like a thick blanket filtering out the sunlight, making everything a subtle shade darker and without contrast. seattle has it's own beauty, but this despite it's weather, not because of it. okay, the rain makes it clean and green, but you know what i mean.
dave chappelle makes me laugh, but i think i need a good dose of friends to get me through. i've decided to put off any more friends until after training in june. then we'll see if i've truly kicked the habit. (friends refers to monica, chandler, joey, ross, rachel and phoebe, not REAL people. puh-leez)
last week, i saw a woman i trained with 3 years ago. she was waiting on a bus as i walked past on the sidewalk. i saw her, took a few seconds to place that familiar face, smiled, then waved at her. jesse saw me, took a second to figure out how she knew me, then happily waved back. i emailed her and that was a week ago. nothing since. i wonder why she didn't email me back. what do you with a situation like this? nothing?
i spoke to our receptionist today. karen is fantastic and i'm glad she's there. we exchange our pleasantries daily, but she always has nuggets of sage advice that simply make my day better. today, she spoke of how great it is to go somewhere new and make it. just make it for the sake of proving that you have the resilience to get through - to know you are able to take care of your self. to know that you can assemble a community or grow with a tribe. afterwards, i felt as though i had met with the buddha.
Monday, May 30, 2005
woke up and was in the mood to make things happen. so i cleaned. decluttering and orgainizing are great for a down psyche. laundry was equally pleasing as folding clothes has always been a sort of meditation for me. taking out the recycling has been somewhat of a chore, but that's the way it goes.
grocery shopping
went up to boston street to try to get my head buzzed. alas! they were closed. so i turned around, started home and ended up at trader joe's for enchillada supplies. damn, there are so many hottie ladies there.
becca is in seattle and called after meeting with bob. he dropped her off near my home and we met up on galer & queen anne, on the way to safeway for cilantro and cream of mushroom. we walked back to my place, but not before visiting kerry park and the lovely view of downtown. we talked a bit about last year and what we went through. yeah, i still got it bad for this lady. but not so much that i can't function, and that's alright.
we made the enchilladas while drinking some beer and talking.
corn tortillas
tomatillo sauce
chopped onions
cream of mushroom
lotta cheese
finely chopped cilantro
sliced mushrooms
preheat oven to 425. head a pan and saute the onions. add equal parts tomatillo sauce and cream of mushroom. warm until thorougly mixed. saute mushrooms. mix with equal parts cheese and lots of cilantro. this is the filling. warm tortillas and add filling, a little sauce and roll up. fill baking dish with these and smoother with the verde sauce. add cheese, olives, green onions, etc to topping. bake at covered at 425 for 20 minutes, then remove foil and bake until bubbly brown. sprinkle with more cilantro and enjoy.
picnic at gasworks park
elizabeth picked me up and we went to gasworks park for hannah's birthday. so nice to meet new people and hannah is so nice and coolio. i hope i get to see her again soon.
dinner at casa luna
elizabeth and i left for casa luna to prepare for dinner. i talked to coren a while about biking. i like that house. we had the enchilladas and also made cilantro/lime brown rice. GOOD!
bus ride home
took over an hour to get home on the bus. in a car, it would have taken 10-15 minutes. geebus. i need to get a bike.
woke up and was in the mood to make things happen. so i cleaned. decluttering and orgainizing are great for a down psyche. laundry was equally pleasing as folding clothes has always been a sort of meditation for me. taking out the recycling has been somewhat of a chore, but that's the way it goes.
grocery shopping
went up to boston street to try to get my head buzzed. alas! they were closed. so i turned around, started home and ended up at trader joe's for enchillada supplies. damn, there are so many hottie ladies there.
becca is in seattle and called after meeting with bob. he dropped her off near my home and we met up on galer & queen anne, on the way to safeway for cilantro and cream of mushroom. we walked back to my place, but not before visiting kerry park and the lovely view of downtown. we talked a bit about last year and what we went through. yeah, i still got it bad for this lady. but not so much that i can't function, and that's alright.
we made the enchilladas while drinking some beer and talking.
corn tortillas
tomatillo sauce
chopped onions
cream of mushroom
lotta cheese
finely chopped cilantro
sliced mushrooms
preheat oven to 425. head a pan and saute the onions. add equal parts tomatillo sauce and cream of mushroom. warm until thorougly mixed. saute mushrooms. mix with equal parts cheese and lots of cilantro. this is the filling. warm tortillas and add filling, a little sauce and roll up. fill baking dish with these and smoother with the verde sauce. add cheese, olives, green onions, etc to topping. bake at covered at 425 for 20 minutes, then remove foil and bake until bubbly brown. sprinkle with more cilantro and enjoy.
picnic at gasworks park
elizabeth picked me up and we went to gasworks park for hannah's birthday. so nice to meet new people and hannah is so nice and coolio. i hope i get to see her again soon.
dinner at casa luna
elizabeth and i left for casa luna to prepare for dinner. i talked to coren a while about biking. i like that house. we had the enchilladas and also made cilantro/lime brown rice. GOOD!
bus ride home
took over an hour to get home on the bus. in a car, it would have taken 10-15 minutes. geebus. i need to get a bike.
had a dream about mern last night. again. when does it stop?
we were spending the night at someone's home. i was sleeping in the living room and she was upstairs waiting for nate. she came downstairs and was very sad. i told her that i still wanted to be with her and she started crying. and then i knew that she was pregnant. i could literally see the cells of the zygote divide. i told her it didn't matter, but we were both very sad. in my dream, i remember quietly holding her for a long time. i woke up not knowing what to think.
it is time to declutter my life. funny, i should already have clutter here in seattle, but 2 months is long enough to build a stockpile of useless junk. happily, i have found the purging process to be very helpful in orgainizing my resources, time and thoughts. the first step is to take out the garbage, and that's what i'm off to do.
we were spending the night at someone's home. i was sleeping in the living room and she was upstairs waiting for nate. she came downstairs and was very sad. i told her that i still wanted to be with her and she started crying. and then i knew that she was pregnant. i could literally see the cells of the zygote divide. i told her it didn't matter, but we were both very sad. in my dream, i remember quietly holding her for a long time. i woke up not knowing what to think.
it is time to declutter my life. funny, i should already have clutter here in seattle, but 2 months is long enough to build a stockpile of useless junk. happily, i have found the purging process to be very helpful in orgainizing my resources, time and thoughts. the first step is to take out the garbage, and that's what i'm off to do.
military leaders
seems as though general boredom and major apathy have advanced and setup camp in our collective blogosphere. my sense of connectedness to friends and acquaintances is slip sliding away. you austin folk seem to not like the internet anymore. i don't blame you.
saturday, i called elizabeth. my mood was strong and ready for a great weekend exploring seattle and hopefully seeing good people. we talked a bit and quickly realized she was tired, so things probably weren't gonna happen with casa luna taking a trip to folklife. she then tells me that she was offered the doula position with americorps (more on the intracacies of that in a bit). such great news, as that was exactly what she wanted to do. i offered to take her out to lunch and she replied with "i don't think so, i'm tired." without warning, tears formed in my eyes and i couldn't see. what the fuck? spontaneous tears? i got genuinely sad at such casual rejection. how absurd.
it seems the big picture of emotional outbursts rests firmly in my lack of tribe. i am actively pursuing making a place for myself here, but it just seems almost inhospitable. i feel outdated, as though my ideas and way of interacting are past their shelf life. since i've been back in seattle, i have had many visitors and had fun with many people, but i've not spent any significant amount of time with anyone but elizabeth.
liz (not elizabeth) bailed on me today. given the circumstances, i completely understand, but i had really hoped to finally see someone, anyone, a second time.
had brunch today with some people from work. it was great to get out and meet new folks, especially in a setting other than work. all was going well until a discussion about elliott spizter turned to governement and politics. one of the women there was a libertarian and thought socialized anything was bad and economic growth was good. i went back and forth with her for a bit, which ended up in her defending her ideas, almost shaking as she did so, and spouting off that she didn't go to brunch to talk politics. i felt bad that i was part of an akward situation, especially as a guest/the new guy. but i'm a socialist and i make no apology for that.
saw star wars today. thought it was pretty crappy. dialogue sucked. hayden christiansen in the darth vader gettup seemed lame. i wonder how much lucas paid james earl jones to talk in that role.
becca is in seattle now. back in new england, she's been a on a couple of dates with someone she just met. of course she has. and of course she will. why do i let myself even think about her?
talked to jason for about two hours tonight. nice to catch up with him and talk about our collective difficulty in finding/building/developing tribes. he also walked me through using the rss feed features in thunderbird. mark phillip will understand.
while some good came out of the weekend, i have to give it 2 thumbs down.
how do you all out there deal with being alone? i find myself frequently talking to old friends, but it is not the same. i mean that in the sense of physical proximity, but also in the sense of living differently. i notice this everytime i talk to jeff beebe. his life has progressed so much since i left and i feel like i've been spinning my wheels. nothing has happened for me. do i write that because i don't have a tribe or because i don't have a partner? hmph. i don't know.
i feel like i am missing some fundamental aspect of being human - notably not having a local village/tribe/family/community to speak of. and knowing how difficult it is for me to be alone frustrates me. i see people together, in pairs or in groups, and i feel rejected. i see women turn away when i look at them and i wonder what they are thinking. are they thinking "oh god, i hope he doesn't look this way or try to talk to me, or worse yet, try to attack me."? i hope not, but a friend of mine once told me she always thinks that when she sees a guy walking by himself. it seems that's all i ever do these days. walk home from work. walk to fremont. walk to the u district. walk to ravenna. walk home. alone.
saturday, i called elizabeth. my mood was strong and ready for a great weekend exploring seattle and hopefully seeing good people. we talked a bit and quickly realized she was tired, so things probably weren't gonna happen with casa luna taking a trip to folklife. she then tells me that she was offered the doula position with americorps (more on the intracacies of that in a bit). such great news, as that was exactly what she wanted to do. i offered to take her out to lunch and she replied with "i don't think so, i'm tired." without warning, tears formed in my eyes and i couldn't see. what the fuck? spontaneous tears? i got genuinely sad at such casual rejection. how absurd.
it seems the big picture of emotional outbursts rests firmly in my lack of tribe. i am actively pursuing making a place for myself here, but it just seems almost inhospitable. i feel outdated, as though my ideas and way of interacting are past their shelf life. since i've been back in seattle, i have had many visitors and had fun with many people, but i've not spent any significant amount of time with anyone but elizabeth.
liz (not elizabeth) bailed on me today. given the circumstances, i completely understand, but i had really hoped to finally see someone, anyone, a second time.
had brunch today with some people from work. it was great to get out and meet new folks, especially in a setting other than work. all was going well until a discussion about elliott spizter turned to governement and politics. one of the women there was a libertarian and thought socialized anything was bad and economic growth was good. i went back and forth with her for a bit, which ended up in her defending her ideas, almost shaking as she did so, and spouting off that she didn't go to brunch to talk politics. i felt bad that i was part of an akward situation, especially as a guest/the new guy. but i'm a socialist and i make no apology for that.
saw star wars today. thought it was pretty crappy. dialogue sucked. hayden christiansen in the darth vader gettup seemed lame. i wonder how much lucas paid james earl jones to talk in that role.
becca is in seattle now. back in new england, she's been a on a couple of dates with someone she just met. of course she has. and of course she will. why do i let myself even think about her?
talked to jason for about two hours tonight. nice to catch up with him and talk about our collective difficulty in finding/building/developing tribes. he also walked me through using the rss feed features in thunderbird. mark phillip will understand.
while some good came out of the weekend, i have to give it 2 thumbs down.
how do you all out there deal with being alone? i find myself frequently talking to old friends, but it is not the same. i mean that in the sense of physical proximity, but also in the sense of living differently. i notice this everytime i talk to jeff beebe. his life has progressed so much since i left and i feel like i've been spinning my wheels. nothing has happened for me. do i write that because i don't have a tribe or because i don't have a partner? hmph. i don't know.
i feel like i am missing some fundamental aspect of being human - notably not having a local village/tribe/family/community to speak of. and knowing how difficult it is for me to be alone frustrates me. i see people together, in pairs or in groups, and i feel rejected. i see women turn away when i look at them and i wonder what they are thinking. are they thinking "oh god, i hope he doesn't look this way or try to talk to me, or worse yet, try to attack me."? i hope not, but a friend of mine once told me she always thinks that when she sees a guy walking by himself. it seems that's all i ever do these days. walk home from work. walk to fremont. walk to the u district. walk to ravenna. walk home. alone.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
interpol | evil
i'm anxious. on the verge of something big, different. change.
my days are spent organizing someone else's calendar. shuffling papers, organizing, labeling. taking notes. meetings. agendas. project management stuff.
spring fever has hit me here in seattle. yeah, i know, it's almost summer and whatnot, but goddamnit there are some nice ladies out and about. i can't help but love the nice little toes and ankles and legs and booties and tummies and boobies and arms and fingers and necks of the ladies.
i wonder if i'm ready to date again. probably not, but i wonder. jeff beebe would say no. and he's always right. except when he's wrong.
my days are spent organizing someone else's calendar. shuffling papers, organizing, labeling. taking notes. meetings. agendas. project management stuff.
spring fever has hit me here in seattle. yeah, i know, it's almost summer and whatnot, but goddamnit there are some nice ladies out and about. i can't help but love the nice little toes and ankles and legs and booties and tummies and boobies and arms and fingers and necks of the ladies.
i wonder if i'm ready to date again. probably not, but i wonder. jeff beebe would say no. and he's always right. except when he's wrong.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
tagged! i'm it, baggy eyes! (updated)
gangsta bitch breanna just tagged me, so of course i'm happy to play. 'sfunny, i was just thinking today that i don't know how to discover new music. of course, here in seattle i have KEXP. all you mofo's out there should stream it - itunes has it as a preset radiostation. it is the *best*.
Total volume of music on my computer:
in mp3/aac - 8.7 days.
in wma - ~4 days. and yes, the music is different.
Last CD I bought:how about the last 3?
ben lee | awake is the new sleep (thank you gangsta bitch breanna)
the streets | original pirate material
moby | hotel
Song that's on rightthisverysecond:
if lovin' you is wrong | faithless
Songs that I listen to a lot:
begin | ben lee
consequences of falling | kd lang
joy | lucinda williams
summer fling | kd lang
graceland | willie nelson (i know, I KNOW, but i happen to like it better than P.S.)
backdrifts | radiohead
where you end | moby
float on | modest mouse (just for you beth)
comfortably numb | scissor sisters
not if you were the last junkie on earth | the dandy warhols
evil | interpol
dark of the matinee | franz ferdinand
perfect | smashing pumpkins
go it alone | beck
feelin' good again | robert earl keen, jr
2002 | bob schneider
here i am | lyle lovett
the ascent of stan | ben folds
now check out my peeps:
Total volume of music on my computer:
in mp3/aac - 8.7 days.
in wma - ~4 days. and yes, the music is different.
Last CD I bought:how about the last 3?
ben lee | awake is the new sleep (thank you gangsta bitch breanna)
the streets | original pirate material
moby | hotel
Song that's on rightthisverysecond:
if lovin' you is wrong | faithless
Songs that I listen to a lot:
begin | ben lee
consequences of falling | kd lang
joy | lucinda williams
summer fling | kd lang
graceland | willie nelson (i know, I KNOW, but i happen to like it better than P.S.)
backdrifts | radiohead
where you end | moby
float on | modest mouse (just for you beth)
comfortably numb | scissor sisters
not if you were the last junkie on earth | the dandy warhols
evil | interpol
dark of the matinee | franz ferdinand
perfect | smashing pumpkins
go it alone | beck
feelin' good again | robert earl keen, jr
2002 | bob schneider
here i am | lyle lovett
the ascent of stan | ben folds
now check out my peeps:
tuesday update
okay all you office kids out there... what the hell is up with the corporate world? i mean, how come nothing (at least nothing in my educational process) evenly closely resembles this behemoth? what have we done in our past to prepare us for life in cubicles? i saw a printed post-it once: four years in the dorms to prepare me for a lifetime in a cubicle???
the adventure and unknown frontier of "motorcylce diaries" made a huge impression on me. more to come.
the adventure and unknown frontier of "motorcylce diaries" made a huge impression on me. more to come.
Monday, May 23, 2005
the past few days have been an experient in living for me.
thursday, i watched "harold and kumar go to whitecastle." i loved the movie. immediately, i called jeff beebe to talk to him about it and i was met with "some people have to work tomorrow." you sonnuvabitch. i get up before you have to be at work. fookah.
i saw "gravity" at the playhouse theatre saturday night. it is haunting me. the premise is paris, 1914, ten years after the cherry orchard (of checkov's cherry orchard was chopped down. it dealt with aging and loss and love and motion and science and art and, and, and... i feel it was a snapshot of me. alone, searching, frantically reaching for someone to hold on too. just to share a few moments with. a few precious moments here in this short, all too short, road trip or our own making.
sunday, i had brunch with liz, one of the first people i met here in seattle. what can i say? possibly a kindred spirit. i hope we get to hang out more, but i don't know how much longer she'll be in seattle. she never specifically said she was leaving, but a four year LDR takes its toll. if she stays, i hope we can hang out more. i had a muffin sandwich with her at julia's on broadway. oh, i now konw how easy it is to bus to capital hill, should the need arise. however, i walked.
on the way back, it started raining. i stopped at the bus stop and asked one of the waiting passenger's if she'd seen the #8 go by. in a heavy scottish brogue, she replied "noo, aye've bin herrre fur ten meenutes..." we started talking and i found a kate mulgrew fan that flew all the way to seattle (from edinbourough) to see tea at five at the seattel rep. she is a huge star trek: voyager fan and we talked all about that and airwolf. we even had coffee after the bus ride. i had never really talked to anyone on the bus before.
i watched "my own private idaho." last night. just now, i finished "motorcycle diaries."
i'm feeling the need to experience the world. to experience america. to have a chance to finally just *be*.
thursday, i watched "harold and kumar go to whitecastle." i loved the movie. immediately, i called jeff beebe to talk to him about it and i was met with "some people have to work tomorrow." you sonnuvabitch. i get up before you have to be at work. fookah.
i saw "gravity" at the playhouse theatre saturday night. it is haunting me. the premise is paris, 1914, ten years after the cherry orchard (of checkov's cherry orchard was chopped down. it dealt with aging and loss and love and motion and science and art and, and, and... i feel it was a snapshot of me. alone, searching, frantically reaching for someone to hold on too. just to share a few moments with. a few precious moments here in this short, all too short, road trip or our own making.
sunday, i had brunch with liz, one of the first people i met here in seattle. what can i say? possibly a kindred spirit. i hope we get to hang out more, but i don't know how much longer she'll be in seattle. she never specifically said she was leaving, but a four year LDR takes its toll. if she stays, i hope we can hang out more. i had a muffin sandwich with her at julia's on broadway. oh, i now konw how easy it is to bus to capital hill, should the need arise. however, i walked.
on the way back, it started raining. i stopped at the bus stop and asked one of the waiting passenger's if she'd seen the #8 go by. in a heavy scottish brogue, she replied "noo, aye've bin herrre fur ten meenutes..." we started talking and i found a kate mulgrew fan that flew all the way to seattle (from edinbourough) to see tea at five at the seattel rep. she is a huge star trek: voyager fan and we talked all about that and airwolf. we even had coffee after the bus ride. i had never really talked to anyone on the bus before.
i watched "my own private idaho." last night. just now, i finished "motorcycle diaries."
i'm feeling the need to experience the world. to experience america. to have a chance to finally just *be*.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Couple Faked Death With Stolen Corpse - Yahoo! News
Kids (most of you out there), this happened in the little hamlet we called home for our college years.
Couple Faked Death With Stolen Corpse - Yahoo! News
You can't make this shit up.
Kids (most of you out there), this happened in the little hamlet we called home for our college years.
Couple Faked Death With Stolen Corpse - Yahoo! News
You can't make this shit up.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
last day at nordstrom
elizabeth and i went shopping in downtown. we said we wouldn't a) eat out, b) drink and c) eat ice cream. guess what we did? that's right. so much for sticking to plan.
talked to kelly and had a good conversation the delved back into our christian pasts. very interesting.
it's mona's birthday today... well, the yesterday the 6th. happy birthday, mona.
watched the end of sex and the city. how sad is that i actually felt like an era ended. ida know, kinda like when friends ended. geebus, i gotta stop watching tv.
i start my new job monday. so i feel a little guilty, but i'm excited about this job. i will learn skills i'm excited about developing: project management is something i can transfer into every thing i do.
science fiction is something i've always loved. is it okay to want to produce scifi? what if i don't feel comfortable with the life of an actor? not that i hate being an actor, but being broke is so last year.
and walking around nordstrom, nordstrom rack (imagine neiman marcus last call), macy's, restoration hardware, pottery barn, etc, et al, ad nauseum, reminded me that i frekkin' want nice things. where the fuck did that come from? i mean, i want to get my permaculture certification, for chrissake! how do i reconcile that with wanting a leather couch? huh???
elizabeth and i went shopping in downtown. we said we wouldn't a) eat out, b) drink and c) eat ice cream. guess what we did? that's right. so much for sticking to plan.
talked to kelly and had a good conversation the delved back into our christian pasts. very interesting.
it's mona's birthday today... well, the yesterday the 6th. happy birthday, mona.
watched the end of sex and the city. how sad is that i actually felt like an era ended. ida know, kinda like when friends ended. geebus, i gotta stop watching tv.
i start my new job monday. so i feel a little guilty, but i'm excited about this job. i will learn skills i'm excited about developing: project management is something i can transfer into every thing i do.
science fiction is something i've always loved. is it okay to want to produce scifi? what if i don't feel comfortable with the life of an actor? not that i hate being an actor, but being broke is so last year.
and walking around nordstrom, nordstrom rack (imagine neiman marcus last call), macy's, restoration hardware, pottery barn, etc, et al, ad nauseum, reminded me that i frekkin' want nice things. where the fuck did that come from? i mean, i want to get my permaculture certification, for chrissake! how do i reconcile that with wanting a leather couch? huh???
Thursday, May 05, 2005
dunno know why i haven't posted in so long.
basically, i've been working a temp job. blah.
got sick. blah
been listen to the new ben lee | awake is the new sleep. diggin' ot lots.
eating lots of ice cream. blah.
watching sex and city season 6. fun, but blah.
i'm anxious. i have a job lined up and i start next week.
talking to kelly about work has been enlightening. although i love the theatre, enjoy working towards social justice and challenging people to develop their sensitivies to the human existance (read: compassion), i'm kinda less motivated to be a starving artist for the rest of my life. i know the quality of life i want; how do i reconcile a family with a career as an actor? i look at my friends in the theatre and ask the question (not aloud, of course), "are they happy?" even the artists i know that are constantly working don't seem to have the joy of life i expect.
not that i just wanna be some money grubbing fiend, but come on! i can't work dead end jobs making twelve bux and hour waiting for my big break. that's bullshit. i'd rather make the life i want. if i choose theatre, i need to really choose theatre. but is that the right choice? do i really need that? i mean, what's so bad about community theatre (don't answer that, lemme have that one for a bit).
and excuse the fuck outta me, but i want nice things. not conspicuous consumption, like dear kate likes to say, but more quality over quantity. there is not a goddamn thing wrong with wanting 400 count cotton sheets. or a nice couch. and i will say it: i want a nice car. mind you, my idea of nice car is a vw jetta wagon, desiel (didju expect any less from me?) with a straight vegetable oil converter in the trunk. awe yeah, that's MY THANG BABY, that's MY. THING. i can go camping, road-trippin' and support american farmers, all at the same time!
and you know, i want a garden. and an honest to god yard (no lawn) with trees and maybe even a small orchard. why am i trying to be an actor? i followed a girl into an audition (kel, that's how i tell the story. lemme have that one, too) 13 years ago. THIRTEEN!
i dunno... like kel, i'm having thoughts of more than *that* life. like kel, i'm thinking about directing, although i don't really believe that's my calling. film production has been creeping into my mental periphery as of late, especially with dennis and jeff starting their own films. i mean really: what better way to merge the artist with the geek than to do digital film?
don't take me too seriously, i'm kinda venting the plasma from a week in an office i care nothing about. next week will be better: i will actually learn things and make decisions and have some investment in my job.
monday night, i'm going to the brenneke school (massage therapy) open house to check out the faculty. i'm excited about that. if i stay in theatre and pursue the 'professor of acting and movement' path, the anatomy and physiology will defintely help me. if i choose something else, the supplemental income and deeper sense of self i'll develop will be still be worth it.
dunno know why i haven't posted in so long.
basically, i've been working a temp job. blah.
got sick. blah
been listen to the new ben lee | awake is the new sleep. diggin' ot lots.
eating lots of ice cream. blah.
watching sex and city season 6. fun, but blah.
i'm anxious. i have a job lined up and i start next week.
talking to kelly about work has been enlightening. although i love the theatre, enjoy working towards social justice and challenging people to develop their sensitivies to the human existance (read: compassion), i'm kinda less motivated to be a starving artist for the rest of my life. i know the quality of life i want; how do i reconcile a family with a career as an actor? i look at my friends in the theatre and ask the question (not aloud, of course), "are they happy?" even the artists i know that are constantly working don't seem to have the joy of life i expect.
not that i just wanna be some money grubbing fiend, but come on! i can't work dead end jobs making twelve bux and hour waiting for my big break. that's bullshit. i'd rather make the life i want. if i choose theatre, i need to really choose theatre. but is that the right choice? do i really need that? i mean, what's so bad about community theatre (don't answer that, lemme have that one for a bit).
and excuse the fuck outta me, but i want nice things. not conspicuous consumption, like dear kate likes to say, but more quality over quantity. there is not a goddamn thing wrong with wanting 400 count cotton sheets. or a nice couch. and i will say it: i want a nice car. mind you, my idea of nice car is a vw jetta wagon, desiel (didju expect any less from me?) with a straight vegetable oil converter in the trunk. awe yeah, that's MY THANG BABY, that's MY. THING. i can go camping, road-trippin' and support american farmers, all at the same time!
and you know, i want a garden. and an honest to god yard (no lawn) with trees and maybe even a small orchard. why am i trying to be an actor? i followed a girl into an audition (kel, that's how i tell the story. lemme have that one, too) 13 years ago. THIRTEEN!
i dunno... like kel, i'm having thoughts of more than *that* life. like kel, i'm thinking about directing, although i don't really believe that's my calling. film production has been creeping into my mental periphery as of late, especially with dennis and jeff starting their own films. i mean really: what better way to merge the artist with the geek than to do digital film?
don't take me too seriously, i'm kinda venting the plasma from a week in an office i care nothing about. next week will be better: i will actually learn things and make decisions and have some investment in my job.
monday night, i'm going to the brenneke school (massage therapy) open house to check out the faculty. i'm excited about that. if i stay in theatre and pursue the 'professor of acting and movement' path, the anatomy and physiology will defintely help me. if i choose something else, the supplemental income and deeper sense of self i'll develop will be still be worth it.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
so i started my first temp job today. and i had an inverview for a full time administrative assistant position. i'm really excited about it - i *may* know by tomorrow.
i bought a pint of ben and jerry's chunky monkey today and half of it when i got home. i think i'm fittin' up and eat the other half.
i bought a pint of ben and jerry's chunky monkey today and half of it when i got home. i think i'm fittin' up and eat the other half.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
web albums
so what do ya'll think? do you like the old style of web album, or is it better as part of the blog?
Monday, April 25, 2005
Sunday, April 24, 2005
had bruch with drs bryan and diane jones at their gorgeous home in west seattle. what an incredible view of the puget sound! the have a lower level with office and garage, mid level with sun room, deck, dining room, kichen and living room, upper level with master bedroom AND a roof-top deck complete with jacuzzi. this just a few lots over from the highest point in seattle!

after playing catch up, we had bagels, loks, cream cheese, fruit salad, scrambled eggs and orange juice. bryan made the strongest coffee i've ever had that wasn't espresso. then had a long political/cultural conversation. went down to lincoln park and saw some ducks in the water. we were hoping to see some gray whales, but ah well. also saw two shelties that looked like my old dog, chloe.
the drove us back to downtown and despite the mariner's game traffic, got us to the bremmerton ferry just in time. i wanted kel to see more of the area. i thought we could pay $30 for a 30 minute view of seattle from the space needle or pay $11 for a two hour trip through the puget sound by ferry. we chose the ferry.

after playing catch up, we had bagels, loks, cream cheese, fruit salad, scrambled eggs and orange juice. bryan made the strongest coffee i've ever had that wasn't espresso. then had a long political/cultural conversation. went down to lincoln park and saw some ducks in the water. we were hoping to see some gray whales, but ah well. also saw two shelties that looked like my old dog, chloe.
the drove us back to downtown and despite the mariner's game traffic, got us to the bremmerton ferry just in time. i wanted kel to see more of the area. i thought we could pay $30 for a 30 minute view of seattle from the space needle or pay $11 for a two hour trip through the puget sound by ferry. we chose the ferry.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
kelly and i started our foot-odyssey around greater lake union. we walked over queen anne hill, down to the fremont pcc. stopped for a breakfast/snack of almonds, yogurt smootie and water. watched some cute kids playing then took off for fo the fremont troll.

this is one of the cool things about seattle.

walked around wallingford. took a right on 45th and strolled into the u-district. stopped at ruby for lunch. i had #20 - the curried rice bowl (my fav) and kel had the spicey chicken sandwich. geebus chreestahs! the put chile peppers in it WITHOUT removing the seeds! she was in pain! the table next to us found glass in their food. great. turned me off to ruby. but, we had 3 mojitos and that seemed to make things better.

met up with ian and laura.

i took them on a tour of uw, complete with the drama school, the quad, red square, the big-ass fountain, and the reading room at suzzallo library.

left from there to the mix, where we all had jet city buzz ice cream. for those of you not in the know, the mix is a mix-in place much like amy's (arguably better. watch it, i said arguably).

jet city buzz is espresso ice cream with oreos mixed in and then a shot of espresso smothering the deliciousness that is ice cream. mighty damn fine if you ask me. kelly spilled her melted bowl all over the table and her jeans.

took the 73 from the u-district to downtown where we hoped to ride up to the observation deck of the nations bank building (the tallest building in seattle).

alas! it was closed! ian an laura left to have dinner with friends. kel and went home to nap until drinks.
walked to top of the hill pub and met eric and bretney (i dunno how to spell laura's friend's name).

got drunk and ate fish tacos. but they didn't have fries. yeah, how does a pub NOT HAVE FRIES??

all the texas peeps picked a great weekend for visiting. they weather has been sunny and in the mid to high 60's.
kelly and i started our foot-odyssey around greater lake union. we walked over queen anne hill, down to the fremont pcc. stopped for a breakfast/snack of almonds, yogurt smootie and water. watched some cute kids playing then took off for fo the fremont troll.
this is one of the cool things about seattle.
walked around wallingford. took a right on 45th and strolled into the u-district. stopped at ruby for lunch. i had #20 - the curried rice bowl (my fav) and kel had the spicey chicken sandwich. geebus chreestahs! the put chile peppers in it WITHOUT removing the seeds! she was in pain! the table next to us found glass in their food. great. turned me off to ruby. but, we had 3 mojitos and that seemed to make things better.
met up with ian and laura.
i took them on a tour of uw, complete with the drama school, the quad, red square, the big-ass fountain, and the reading room at suzzallo library.
left from there to the mix, where we all had jet city buzz ice cream. for those of you not in the know, the mix is a mix-in place much like amy's (arguably better. watch it, i said arguably).
jet city buzz is espresso ice cream with oreos mixed in and then a shot of espresso smothering the deliciousness that is ice cream. mighty damn fine if you ask me. kelly spilled her melted bowl all over the table and her jeans.
took the 73 from the u-district to downtown where we hoped to ride up to the observation deck of the nations bank building (the tallest building in seattle).
alas! it was closed! ian an laura left to have dinner with friends. kel and went home to nap until drinks.
walked to top of the hill pub and met eric and bretney (i dunno how to spell laura's friend's name).
got drunk and ate fish tacos. but they didn't have fries. yeah, how does a pub NOT HAVE FRIES??
all the texas peeps picked a great weekend for visiting. they weather has been sunny and in the mid to high 60's.
Friday, April 22, 2005
kelly hanson arrived. we started a tour of seattle with the seattle center. she was hungry, so we went to the world wraps. i had a texas roadhouse barbeque steak and she had some veggie something or other. we then went to the children's theatre and met some of the staff. good for me and good for kelly. rita giomi was just finishing up generals and kelly talked to jeff miller, the production manager about submitting her portfolio. be great if she could work there. i know i want to go back.

walked to the center house and got i got caramel ice cream and kelly had cookies and cream. we shared a coffee, but it was mostly for kelly as she was tired.
strolled over to the pike market to meet laura. we searched and searched, but had great trouble finding sunblock for kelly. it finally appeared at a little deli near the original starbux. afterwards, we went to athenian seafood in the market.

kel and shared crabcakes and we all split a pitcher of mac & jack's. it was good. and laura and just now figured out that we both went to southwestern. ah, 2 noble kinsmen. remind them of the underwear and they remember everytime. we both thought that we were a friend of someone that went to su.

on the bus home, we met a woman (our age, maybe a little older?) named rhonda. rhonda had a box full of plants, including two hyacinth. i commented on how much i love the smell of hyacinth and she GAVE ME ONE. she said she worked part time at nursery and they were throwing them away. she had such positive energy and was very nice. she suggested we go kyaking, which turned out to be somewhat of a theme with the trip. maybe next time? but rhonda was interesting as i remember her be a writer or something like that.
got home and walked over to kerry park to watch mt. rainier disappear in the darkness. it was beautiful and there was a full moon.
walked to the center house and got i got caramel ice cream and kelly had cookies and cream. we shared a coffee, but it was mostly for kelly as she was tired.
strolled over to the pike market to meet laura. we searched and searched, but had great trouble finding sunblock for kelly. it finally appeared at a little deli near the original starbux. afterwards, we went to athenian seafood in the market.
kel and shared crabcakes and we all split a pitcher of mac & jack's. it was good. and laura and just now figured out that we both went to southwestern. ah, 2 noble kinsmen. remind them of the underwear and they remember everytime. we both thought that we were a friend of someone that went to su.
on the bus home, we met a woman (our age, maybe a little older?) named rhonda. rhonda had a box full of plants, including two hyacinth. i commented on how much i love the smell of hyacinth and she GAVE ME ONE. she said she worked part time at nursery and they were throwing them away. she had such positive energy and was very nice. she suggested we go kyaking, which turned out to be somewhat of a theme with the trip. maybe next time? but rhonda was interesting as i remember her be a writer or something like that.
got home and walked over to kerry park to watch mt. rainier disappear in the darkness. it was beautiful and there was a full moon.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
walked down the hill to fremont to have lunch with amy boyce at pcc. had a turkey pannini, some kind of chocolate chip cookie bar and a bottle of water. had a great 2.5 hour lunch.
walked an hour around queen anne hill to caffe zingaro to have coffee with jerry manning, casting director at seattle rep. he was a little late, so i sat and nursed a tall caffe zingaro. this is espresso, steamed milk, mocha and caramel - basically milk, caffiene and sugar, all things i should not ingest. delicious. we too had a great meeting. the new artistic director of the rep starts in july and no one really knows what's going on. sharon ott, the current artistic director is leaving and her goodbye party is monday night. also, the patp 2005 showcase and benefit is tonight. that should be interesting as i am volunteering! yikes!
anyway, kate mulgrew from star trek: voyager is touring a one person show called 'tea at five.' its all kate hepburn and looks phenomenal. so jerry and are both trekkers and knowing this, he is gonna get me tickets for opening night AND for the opening night party. i will meeting kate mulgrew! i will be in the same room as captain janeway. *geek excitement galore*
walked an hour around queen anne hill to caffe zingaro to have coffee with jerry manning, casting director at seattle rep. he was a little late, so i sat and nursed a tall caffe zingaro. this is espresso, steamed milk, mocha and caramel - basically milk, caffiene and sugar, all things i should not ingest. delicious. we too had a great meeting. the new artistic director of the rep starts in july and no one really knows what's going on. sharon ott, the current artistic director is leaving and her goodbye party is monday night. also, the patp 2005 showcase and benefit is tonight. that should be interesting as i am volunteering! yikes!
anyway, kate mulgrew from star trek: voyager is touring a one person show called 'tea at five.' its all kate hepburn and looks phenomenal. so jerry and are both trekkers and knowing this, he is gonna get me tickets for opening night AND for the opening night party. i will meeting kate mulgrew! i will be in the same room as captain janeway. *geek excitement galore*
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
blog updates (and pictures)
listen here mother-bitches: with my internet access SPORADIC AT BEST, getting all the photos up is gonna take a bit. and AND i still have two weeks of blog entries to process. you can just [instert something witty here] and SUCK IT.
i love you all,
i love you all,
Sunday, April 10, 2005
woke up to an almost sunny day. cleaned the room. dennis and went to best buy and target. i bought a razor and a power strip for my computer, speakers, phone, camera, etc.
got home. talked to kelly for bit. went to trader joe's for groceries. i was overwhelmed by sheer excitement. this place is right next door - i LOVE trader joe's. almost everything i could possibly want is right there.
d's dad arrived to help with the shoot. dennis rented out watertown for a music video.
elizabeth and i walked around the neighborhood and had a good time hanging out. we walked around the south side of queen anne, then walked up and down queen anne ave. i frikkin' LOVE my neighborhood. there are all kinds of coffee shops, bars, restaurants and grocery stores. i LOVE it. and a great gym.
now i have to get a job.
elizabeth and i went to her place, where i met her bf, coren. he looks very nordic, but i was assured the was in fact NOT nordic. we went to get sushi, but the place was closed. instead, we went to sunlight cafe and had good vegeterian stuff.
i am tired.
woke up to an almost sunny day. cleaned the room. dennis and went to best buy and target. i bought a razor and a power strip for my computer, speakers, phone, camera, etc.
got home. talked to kelly for bit. went to trader joe's for groceries. i was overwhelmed by sheer excitement. this place is right next door - i LOVE trader joe's. almost everything i could possibly want is right there.
d's dad arrived to help with the shoot. dennis rented out watertown for a music video.
elizabeth and i walked around the neighborhood and had a good time hanging out. we walked around the south side of queen anne, then walked up and down queen anne ave. i frikkin' LOVE my neighborhood. there are all kinds of coffee shops, bars, restaurants and grocery stores. i LOVE it. and a great gym.
now i have to get a job.
elizabeth and i went to her place, where i met her bf, coren. he looks very nordic, but i was assured the was in fact NOT nordic. we went to get sushi, but the place was closed. instead, we went to sunlight cafe and had good vegeterian stuff.
i am tired.
Current Music: moby | hotel
Saturday, April 09, 2005
road trip 2005: seattle - day six
saturday: click here for more pictures of road trip 2005 - seattle
left for seattle
didn't see jackie b/c she had rehearsal
rained a bit
western oregon is beautiful
got to seattle - crossed into the city while listening to david gray babylon. i knew i was home
the apartment is amazing - huge, wooden floors, quiet/residential neighborhood.
near a nice little park with an fantastic view of downtown.
d and i unloaded the car. we went down to jabu for drinks. yeah, everything has reminded me of the past: school, becca, mern, etc. but i'm eager to make new memories, so i'm conciously making and effort to dispel the past. not many people at jabu.
at jabu, d had 2 guinesses and i had 2 stellas. we also split an order of beef nachoes. geebus but that was a huge order of nachoes. we talked about old times and laughed so much my belly hurt.

d wanted to go somewhere a little more hoppin'. we walked over to pesos, just as it was closing. lots of folks, but we were too late. now we know where to go. walked back up the hill - good exercise
left for seattle
didn't see jackie b/c she had rehearsal
rained a bit
western oregon is beautiful
got to seattle - crossed into the city while listening to david gray babylon. i knew i was home
the apartment is amazing - huge, wooden floors, quiet/residential neighborhood.
near a nice little park with an fantastic view of downtown.
d and i unloaded the car. we went down to jabu for drinks. yeah, everything has reminded me of the past: school, becca, mern, etc. but i'm eager to make new memories, so i'm conciously making and effort to dispel the past. not many people at jabu.
at jabu, d had 2 guinesses and i had 2 stellas. we also split an order of beef nachoes. geebus but that was a huge order of nachoes. we talked about old times and laughed so much my belly hurt.

d wanted to go somewhere a little more hoppin'. we walked over to pesos, just as it was closing. lots of folks, but we were too late. now we know where to go. walked back up the hill - good exercise
Current Music: moby | hotel
Friday, April 08, 2005
day 5
road trip 2005: seattle
friday:picked up rental car.
had lunch at a korean barbeque place with jenny, agnes and julio.
Current Music: moby | hotel
Thursday, April 07, 2005
road trip 2005: seattle
click here for pictures of road trip 2005 - seattle
had lunch with elliott, matt o, tina and rob manning in culver city. some ethiopian place that also served spaghetti. we all had chicken sandwiches - good and cheap.

left la.

rained most of the way to san jose. found out later that tornadoes happened in the san jouquin valley. listened to moby over and over and over - cried a little bit.
click here for pictures of road trip 2005 - seattle
had lunch with elliott, matt o, tina and rob manning in culver city. some ethiopian place that also served spaghetti. we all had chicken sandwiches - good and cheap.

left la.

rained most of the way to san jose. found out later that tornadoes happened in the san jouquin valley. listened to moby over and over and over - cried a little bit.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005
day 3
day here for more pictures of road trip 2005 - seattle
twitty j and i walked from santa monica to venice beach, then down the pier. looked around and admired the beauty of brown air. oh wait, that's smog! walked through the canals and had a great conversation about the future: work, working out, taking care of business and not wanting to be a 45 year old waiter still WAITING for our big break.

had lunch at a place called "mao's". we both had kung pow chicken. talked to a sexy jewish woman with a dog. i forgot how dog culture makes human contact so much easier.
went back to twitty's and chatted for a while about this and that... he got ready for work and i went with him to hang around the pool. talked to kelly hanson for a long time.
walked back along the beach to the westminster place. santa monica is beautiful and lush and almost tropical. really feels like i'm on vacation.

sat on the balcony a bit. listened to a message from mark zufelt and it's official: i did not get cast in the play. because i'm equity. they found another ethnic actor with chops - the egyptial playwright was happy with a jewish actor playing the role. and i think that's awesome, but i'm a little disappointed.
i'm gonna dive right into as much work as possible with temping and catering, work out as much as possible and live life in seattle AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.
had a couple of beers with deanna, while she was studying accounting and i was working on photo journal updates. of course, i don't have internet access with this computer, so i wasn't able to upload anything.
went to kelly's hotel, the viceroy on pico and ocean in santa monica. great atmosphere for drinks. we sat on poolside lounge chairs. she had a stella and i had grey goose martini. hells yeah - that shit knocked me on my ass. THE DRINK WAS TWENTY-ONE DOLLARS. TWENTY-ONE DOLLARS. but conway comped them for us, so i paid five bucks for the tip.
getting to know deanna was great. she is well spoken, extremely attractive, ambitious, confident, make fart jokes AND understood an obscure reference to jean-luc picard. JEAN-LUC PICARD people.
deanna and left there and went to the globe. 2 shiners and a gargantuan martini were not enough for me. i proceeded to have ANOTHER martini (this one half the size and a 1/5 the price), a pizza, oysters and then a stella. mind you, i was somewhere between SCHNOCKERED and SHITFACED. basically, i was spilling drinks on my clothes on the food - it didn't matter.

twitty j and i had to find parking, but finally rolled our asses home and proceeded to drink yet more beer - i had a shiner and a tecate and i think he had a shiner and three tecates. good times. and we went drinking and dialing. fortunately, it was our to our classmates, but it was still way trippy and fun. it was 6am east coast when we finally stopped.
we did manage to get jackie on the phone and i will see her saturday. that should be good times.
twitty j and i walked from santa monica to venice beach, then down the pier. looked around and admired the beauty of brown air. oh wait, that's smog! walked through the canals and had a great conversation about the future: work, working out, taking care of business and not wanting to be a 45 year old waiter still WAITING for our big break.

had lunch at a place called "mao's". we both had kung pow chicken. talked to a sexy jewish woman with a dog. i forgot how dog culture makes human contact so much easier.
went back to twitty's and chatted for a while about this and that... he got ready for work and i went with him to hang around the pool. talked to kelly hanson for a long time.
walked back along the beach to the westminster place. santa monica is beautiful and lush and almost tropical. really feels like i'm on vacation.

sat on the balcony a bit. listened to a message from mark zufelt and it's official: i did not get cast in the play. because i'm equity. they found another ethnic actor with chops - the egyptial playwright was happy with a jewish actor playing the role. and i think that's awesome, but i'm a little disappointed.
i'm gonna dive right into as much work as possible with temping and catering, work out as much as possible and live life in seattle AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.
had a couple of beers with deanna, while she was studying accounting and i was working on photo journal updates. of course, i don't have internet access with this computer, so i wasn't able to upload anything.
went to kelly's hotel, the viceroy on pico and ocean in santa monica. great atmosphere for drinks. we sat on poolside lounge chairs. she had a stella and i had grey goose martini. hells yeah - that shit knocked me on my ass. THE DRINK WAS TWENTY-ONE DOLLARS. TWENTY-ONE DOLLARS. but conway comped them for us, so i paid five bucks for the tip.
getting to know deanna was great. she is well spoken, extremely attractive, ambitious, confident, make fart jokes AND understood an obscure reference to jean-luc picard. JEAN-LUC PICARD people.
deanna and left there and went to the globe. 2 shiners and a gargantuan martini were not enough for me. i proceeded to have ANOTHER martini (this one half the size and a 1/5 the price), a pizza, oysters and then a stella. mind you, i was somewhere between SCHNOCKERED and SHITFACED. basically, i was spilling drinks on my clothes on the food - it didn't matter.

twitty j and i had to find parking, but finally rolled our asses home and proceeded to drink yet more beer - i had a shiner and a tecate and i think he had a shiner and three tecates. good times. and we went drinking and dialing. fortunately, it was our to our classmates, but it was still way trippy and fun. it was 6am east coast when we finally stopped.
we did manage to get jackie on the phone and i will see her saturday. that should be good times.
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